See You Again

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Finn's POV: (~DREAM~)

I was back at the crash site from when my dad crashed into the semi, though it wasn't my dad who was driving, it was Paige; it wasn't me who was in the car, it was Millie. I couldn't scream, I couldn't even breathe, all I could do was stare from ten feet away while on my knees. The sound of sirens consuming me from ambulances circled around the site. Just then her eyes opened, and yet I was still frozen. "You did this." She whispered though it sounded like she was shouting at at the top of her lungs right in my ear.

I sit up in my bed within seconds, my clothes drenched with sweat as my heart pounds to my extremely heavy breathing. My shirt clings to my torso, my hair soaked enough to become straight rather than curly. I quickly scan my pitch black living room, only lit by the moonlight from the window, to find Gaten and Caleb fast asleep on either the floor or another couch. "What the hell..?" I whisper to myself, not knowing why in the world my mind would make that nightmare. One of the boys squirm and flutter their eyes open slowly, "Finn.. what are you doing up?" Caleb croaks out, his voice beyond groggy. "Nothing, just um.. bad dream. I'm fine." I reply quickly, not wanting to bother him with the details since I know he'll just tease me. "Okay.. get some sleep, we have to say goodbye tomorrow." He mumbles before rolling to his side, falling asleep once more. I nod my head as if he was still conscious, falling back onto the couch only to flinch at the wetness of the cushions. Great, even the couch is soaked.  I let out a short lived sigh before pulling my wet shirt off of my body and throwing it on the coffee table, not wanting to get anymore of my shirts drenched. I push my disgusting soaked bangs out of my face before flipping my pillow to the dry side and laying my head back down, falling asleep soon after.

Millie's POV:

As a sudden light shines on my eyelids I'm utterly forced to open them. "Why?" I groan out, knowing someone opened my curtains. "We wouldn't want to miss saying goodbye to everyone, would we?" Noah replies kindly while turning around from the window, already dressed. "It'd make it less painful.. so yes." I answer as I slowly sit up from my bed, the one that I won't be sleeping in for a long time. He lets out a small sigh before handing me a caramel frappuccino from behind his back. "Hope this heals that pain then." He adds, a smile spread across his face. "Awe, Schnipper!" I say, not being able to hold in my love for how sweet my best friend is. "Yeah, yeah, I'm great. Anyway, you have to get dressed soon because we're leaving for the airport in like.. an hour or so." Noah mentions before crossing his arms casually as he stands in front of me. I shrug while happily taking small sips from my drink. "We got an hour, that's plenty of time." I remark as I tap my bare feet on his shoes, he just rolls his eyes while reluctantly grinning. "C'mon Millie, you want to see Finn before we go right?" He guesses while flashing me a smile. "I mean... sure, I guess." I answer while shrugging, still tapping his shoes. "Please Mills?" He begs while holding my free hand. "Okay.. fine. I'll get ready." I say jokingly before standing from my bed and shooing Noah from my room so I can get dressed.

Noah and I then eat breakfast in my living room and talk while doing so which spent 30 minutes of our time... we talk a lot. "Dude, you should totally text Finn.. see if he's awake already so you can see him." Noah suggests while taking his empty bowl of cereal to the sink that resides in the kitchen. "Why?" I ask, not really in the mood. "Just do it." He answers with a small smile. I give in easily and pull up his contact to text him.

Mills: Hey, u awake yet?

Finnie: Yep, what's up

Mills: Noah wants you to come over for some reason, idk

Finnie: Ok, can Gaten and Caleb come too?

Mills: They're with u?

Finnie: Yah, sleepover.

See You Again // FILLIEWhere stories live. Discover now