Get Ready Fillie

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~DREAM~ Millie's POV:

Finn looks into my eyes as the sun sets in front of us, his dark brown eyes being taken over by his pupils dilating, because of me. "Finn." I whisper out before his lips press onto mine, I hold the back of his neck as our lips dance. I immediately open my eyes to find myself doing the same actions to real life. I pull away confused and embarrassed, "Were you dreaming?" Finn asks nicely, his voice is groggy and deep as he rubs his eyes. Oh god, he was sleeping. "Uh yeah, sorry." I reply shyly. I feel something on my hand move under the blanket making me jump and pull away while yelping quietly. "Mills it's just me." He says showing his hand, "I woke up a few seconds before your dream. All you did was like mutter my name before pulling on my neck, then it just.. happened." Finn explains while blushing and smirking. "I guess dreams do come true." I whisper to myself. "You were dreaming about kissing me?" Finn questions, a smile forms on his lips as he stares at me. "What? Of course not! Ew, gross, no way. I'd never even- No." I quickly reply making him laugh.

"Then what were you dreaming about?" He asks, curiosity roaming in his eyes. I shrug casually, "Um.. so, there was And.. it's name was..Finnlet. It was my horse and after it fell asleep I.uh..kissed it's nose?" I explain, obviously I'm horrible at improvise. "You're lying to me, which you are horrible at that by the way. I think your dream was really you and me, and I bet I just happened to be in your line of kissing." Finn replies, a smirk happily resting on his face. I can't stop smiling as I punch Finn's shoulder, trying to hide my embarrassment. "It's okay Mills, I've had those type of dreams too. Though mine didn't come true." He says while sighing dramatically, his groggy voice lessens the more he talks. I look out the plane's window to the fresh morning sky, when I peer down to the Earth I can spot familiar buildings as we fly by; We're almost there.

Caleb's POV:

"How much longer till they land?" Sadie complains. All four of us sit in the transit area, waiting for the lovebirds to land so we can surprise them. "Millie just texted me, 5 minutes." Noah informs us as his eyes stay glued to his phone. "I know it's weird, but I hate not having them around all day." Gaten mentions, sighing impatiently; we all nod in agreement. "What are you guys doing here?" I hear a thick British voice ask. When I look up, I see Paige with a confused look on her face, no Fillie to be seen. "Wheres Finn and Millie?" Sadie questions, standing form her seat. Paige looks back at the gate, conveniently enough, there comes Finn and Millie. As they walk out of the boarding gate Finn's arm is around Millie's shoulders and both of them are giggling like they just shared a new inside joke. "Fillie!" Gaten shouts as he sprints up to them, neither of them allowed time to process what was happening. Millie falls backwards due to Gaten's embrace forcing us all to come dashing to the scene. When we reach them a smile is on her face, "Never been greeted so violently before." Millie says as Finn pulls her up from the floor. "Sorry Millster, we missed you guys." He explains as we all get individual hugs from the two. 

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Finn questions as he removes his hat and tries to fix his tangled bed-head, before giving up and shifting it back on. "Waiting for the lovebirds, duh." I reply making kissy faces while wiggling my eyebrows. Millie rolls her eyes but still smiles through her annoyance, deep down I know she loves being teased. Finn's face just goes red as he rubs the back of his neck. "You guys are lucky, I had to see them be all lovey-dovey in person. It's disgusting." Paige explains making Finn and Millie get even more embarrassed. "What they do?" Noah asks eagerly, wanting to know the details. "Well first of all they ki-" Millie panics before covering Paige's mouth to stop her. "How about we don't tell them everything that happens in our lives." Millie says to Paige before cautiously removing her hand. We all groan in disappointment, "At least we'll get to see Fillie happening on set." I mention, trying to brighten their spirits. "Yeah, sure you will." Finn adds playfully as we head back to the van.

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