Perfection At Its Finest

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Finn's POV:

I can't help it, every time Millie touches me all I can think of is: Her hands have touched Romeo, her eyes have met his, her arms have wrapped around him, and her smile has been shown for him. Those words play in my head like a stereo on repeat, never stopping, always reminding me of the events that took place in my absences. As we stop for pictures over and over on the red carpet I have to listen to the stupid taunting in my head. Any time Millie touches me in any way while posing I can't help but feel like her contact is meaningless, like she's infected by him and if I touch her I'll get infected too. Towards the end of the red carpet Millie starts to study me as we strut, her eyebrows furrowed and concern lingering in her eyes. She knows somethings wrong, and she won't stop until she finds out. Why must she be like this? 

"Sir, you're Finn Wolfhard, correct?" A muscular man wearing a suit asks, stopping us from walking any further. "Um, yes. That's me, why?" I reply, letting go of the hand that had touched Romeo and stuffing it in my pocket. "Come with me to the theater, it's been relocated." He explains pointing behind him and patting my back to go forward, not even acknowledging Millie. Some disgusted part of me wants to leave Millie there to stand awkwardly, but I know that'd be wrong so... "Wait, Millie is coming too. She's my d-date." I inform the man, forcing him to stop. "Oh, I'm so sorry young lady. Right this way." He says looking back at Millie. I put my hand out for her infested one to take and of course, she takes it. I try to forget what I had seen, forget all that hurts, and just be in her presence. I fail miserably.

Millie's POV:

The whole time through the movie I shriek as quiet as I can and grip Finn's arm every time I get even remotely frightened. I thought he'd tell me everything would be fine or try comforting me, but nothing. There is something seriously wrong with him tonight and I have no clue what it is, but it's beating him to ground and burying him alive. I lean over to his ear so I won't bother anyone else, "Finn." I whisper quietly. He blinks a few times as if he was spacing out and I brought him back to earth. His eyes meet mine, I try to read them but it's impossible in the dark theater. "What?" He mouths kindly, for once in this whole night. "What is wrong?" I whisper in his ear. When I lean back to my seat he's staring at the ground and shaking his head in doubt. Finn looks back up at me, his face unreadable. "You already know, Juliet." He replies flatly before standing up from his chair, scooting past some of the IT cast, and speed-walking out of the gigantic theater. 

What just happened? Did he call me Juliet? I know what's wrong? Okay, chill Millie. Think. He called me Juliet.. what's the first thing that comes to mind? Romeo and Juliet. I already know?....Oh. "Romeo and Juliet." I whisper to myself aloud, now realizing what he meant. I casually stand from my chair and go after Finn; though I don't know where exactly he ran off to, I'll have to find out. I push the swinging doors to exit the theater and look around backstage of the red carpet. No luck. Maybe the bathroom? I can't go in there though... exactly, that'd be the only place he could escape from me. Let's go then. I turn a few corners before finally reaching my destination: the men's bathroom. I slowly push the door open while holding my dress with my free hand, water is running from the sink inside. "Finn?" I say into the pearly white bathroom, my voice echoing on the walls. 

The sink abruptly turns off at the sound of his name, it's him. I gently walk inside to reveal Finn standing in front of the mirror, his face splashed with water, and hands supporting his weight on the sink's counter. "Finnie." I say carefully as if he was a baby deer. I walk over so I'm 5 feet behind him, my reflection showing in the mirror. He stays silent as his eyes lock with mine through the mirror. "I-I'm sorry." I admit, hoping he'll say something, anything. "For what." He asks, but says it like a statement. "Finn, don't make this more dramatic then it has to be." I tell him, he just rolls his eyes at me like he doesn't give a care in the world of what I think. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" I ask annoyed as I walk up to him and pull his shoulder to face me, he has no expression. "If you don't like the new me Juliet then you can go find your true love." He replies agitated. I shake my head in disbelief, this is nothing like Finn, at all. "I've already found him." I snap back. "Great, go be with him." Finn snickers, pointing at the door. "I already am, in fact he's standing right in front of me." I admit, his face goes dumbfounded for a split second before he recovers.

 "Millie, I know you like Romeo more than me. I'm nothing compared to him and you know it." He confesses, finally acting a little like himself. "Finn, will you relax? I met him once, sure he was cool and all, but he wasn't you. You don't think I missed you like crazy? Well I did, and I was going to talk to you about him tomorrow because I didn't want to ruin this night for you. Just please, if you have a problem just tell me, instead of being all dramatic and mysterious. This not acting, and it's not a movie, it's real life. Okay?" I explain, he looks regretful and guilty by the time I finish. "I'm sorry, I've just been beating myself up over it." Finn explains, staring at the floor before a quiet sound fills the room. Squeeek! I whip my head towards the door. "What are you guys doing?" Jack asks as he slowly walks in. I take a few steps away from Finn in the most casual way I can, "Breathing." Finn replies, putting a smirk on Jack's face. "Yeah, I'll go breath elsewhere." I add before leaving the bathroom.

{After Party}

Finn's POV:

The smell of sweat fills the room as everyone jumps up and down crazily to the blaring music, I can't even imagine what Caleb would be pulling out by now. The closest people around me include Millie, Jack, Wyatt, Jaeden, and Chosen. We all sing along if we know the words or just bang out heads to the beat, all of us with a smile on our face. Sooner or later the song ends and we all take a 15 second breather as the DJ pics a new song, all of us exhausted and just dancing by using pure adrenaline. A quiet beat and guitar starts filling the room, Millie immediately puts her hands out as if the Demagorgon may pop out of no where. "What Mills?" I shout to her as the music gets louder. "Castle. On. The. Hill." She yells back, her face turning from terrified to pure joy. Millie starts dancing and it's the funniest view ever, I take her hand and spin her as she sings along with Ed Sheeran. We begin to dance together to her favorite song, she sings every word without breaking our eye contact as if she was singing just for me. Regardless, my ear-to-ear smile never disappears for those 2:37 minutes. 

As the song comes to a close I spin Millie towards me so she ends up with her back on my chest, and my arms wrapping around her tight. She tilts her head to face me, a perfect grin printed on her face. "Perfection at its finest." I say loud enough for her to hear. Her grin somehow grows as she pulls her hand from my wrapped arms and pulls my head closer to hers until our lips meet. I feel her smile as we kiss, she shifts her body in my arms so her body is facing me. The taste of her lips lingers on mine as she pulls away to the sound of Wyatt shouting, "Yeah! Get it Wolfhard!" As everyone in the closest radius cheers. My cheeks some how get warmer in the humid room full of steamy bodies before a shy smile appears on Millie's face as she looks at my friends, they're all cheering and smirking. Millie releases all of me except my hand as she uses her other to put a loose hair behind her ear gently. "Fillie! Fillie! Fillie!" They chant, soon enough the whole room is chanting with their hands in the air. I look back at Millie who was already staring at me and raise my eyebrows, putting a smirk on her face as she leans in. The second our lips meet again the whole crowd in the after-party hysterically cheers. Perfection at its finest.

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