Sure I Will

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Millie's POV:

The following morning I wake up oddly on the couch, still wearing the clothes from yesterday. "What happened?" I ask aloud, sitting up on the couch and rubbing my eyes. "Oh good, you're up. You just missed everyone, they're already at the airport." Paige explains referring to our family. "Awe man, they didn't get to see everyone!" I reply annoyingly. Paige shrugs before coming over and sitting next to me on the couch. "How are you feeling?" She questions concerned. "Fantastic, I had the weirdest dream though." I say while rubbing my temples. "What happened in your dream?" Paige asks curiously. I groan, "Well I fell asleep on a bench and then Finn came to save me and he carried me home but that just doesn't make any sense because he dumped me, so maybe I dreamed that because I just really miss him?" I suggest, when I look over at Paige a gloomy frown sits on her face uncomfortably. "What?" I ask, she clears her throat. "That did happen Millie..though I didn't know you broke up, when did that happen?" She replies, making a sudden heavy weight be dropped onto my shoulders. "Um..yesterday." I mumble loud enough for her to hear. "I'm sorry Mills, are you gonna be okay?" She questions while rubbing my back. I force a scoff, "Of course! I won't break just because of a guy." I assure her just an ironic tear streams down my cheek, reassuring her that isn't the case. "Millie.." Paige whispers while holding her arms out for a hug. I gladly dive into her embrace, letting my cries come out as sobs, staining her shirt though she doesn't seem to mind.

"It's going to be okay Mills, I promise." Paige whispers as she strokes my hair softly. "Will it?" I question, pulling back from the hug to face her. She stares at me straight in the eyes and bites her lip, "Promise means something you can't break..ever." She quotes, only making me cry even more after hearing something Finn once said..or I guess Mike once said. We sit there together with me balling into her shirt as she rubs my back and strokes my hair for what feels like forever until someone knocks on the front door. I release Paige, taking a look at the damage my tears have caused to her shirt. "I-I'll get it." I insist before slowly trudging over to the door and unlocking the chain from its rightful place. I swing open the door, mascara on my cheeks and my puffy eyes complimented with bloodshot vessels. Standing before me is everyone: Gaten, Caleb, Sadie, Noah, and arms being held by Gaten in Caleb stands Finn in the front of the group. "What's going on? Why are you guys here?" I question, Finn's eyes move from my blackened cheeks to his branded FINN hoodie I'm still wearing before staring at his shoes. "Can we come in? We have to talk, now." Caleb replies, already barging into my condo; Finn's arms still in Caleb and Gaten's tight grip.

Paige over hears us and comes into view, her stained shirt visible for all to see. "Uh..hi guys? Now isn't really a good time to hang with Millie." She announces while putting her arm around me. "We're not here to hang really, we just need to talk. Please Paige?" Noah begs, Paige looks over at me and then to my friends before leaving me to the lions. "Paige!" I yell after her before sighing and facing the group once again. "I guess we should go to the living room." I say while leading them to the two couches, Sadie, Noah, and I on one and the other 3 boys on the other. "Okay so what's with the arm thing?" I ask while pointing to Finn who is basically locked to the couch. "Finn doesn't want to be here, we're making him." Gaten explains, Finn just stays silent as he stares at the carpet. "Well guys can we do this quick because we still have to go to set today." I remind them, they all nod except for Finn. "First, explain what happened to you, because right now you look like shit." Caleb says making Finn abruptly elbow him in the rib. I guess he really isn't just a lifeless zombie. "Um see.." I start, trying to stall for myself. "Millie it's okay, we won't judge." Sadie insist while rubbing my back.

I take a deep breath before speaking, "I was crying because of...because of Finn." I explain quietly, not daring to look up at his face. "Why?" I hear the familiar voice ask, the one that has stayed silent all the time he's been here. "Wolfhard, I'm sure you know." I reply while shooting my head up to look him in the eyes. When mine meet his it's like I'm just seeing them again after landing in Atlanta to start shooting Season 2, yet now things are so much more complicated. To be honest, I'd kill just to go back to those days of being best friends and not worrying about stupid shit like this. "I'm sure I don't, Millster." Finn says flatly, never breaking the eye contact. "Oh well I guess you forgot about dumping me yesterday because Romeo said something he shouldn't have!" I explain, standing up from my seat before Noah and Sadie pull me back down to the couch. "Why shouldn't of he? Because it's true? Because really you were going to break up with me, but didn't know how to because really you just love Romeo, and you've have been playing me ever since the premier!?" He scolds, not even attempting to stand due to Gaten and Caleb. I put a hand on my chest and stare at him dumbfounded, "You..You really think I'd do that to you, to anyone?" I question with a softer tone. "You would if you didn't want to hurt me after seeing me so happy with you." Finn explains, making a good point. "Well.. I guess you can rest easy knowing I never played you, nor will I ever." I reply while taking my hand back down from my chest.

"Okay obviously you two aren't ready to be together again, at least not yet. But we need you guys to at least be friends again so shooting today won't be miserable, got it?" Sadie explains sternly, Finn and I both nod our heads. Gaten and Caleb then finally release Finn's arms, allowing him to stretch them. "I still don't see how that was needed." He mutters while stretching one of his arms across his chest. "I do." I say with a smirk as I follow Noah and Sadie outside my condo, all 6 of us heading to the van waiting in the parking lot.

The drive to the studio was barren and silent almost the whole way besides Noah asking for a charger because his phone always seems to be at 5% or lower. When arriving, everyone broke into their own groups to get ready for the upcoming scenes. Having our group broken into two does break my heart knowing Finn and I's break up is what caused the separation. After wrapping up the few scenes I had for the day I head towards the school trailers for my three hours of 'learning'. Once getting there I looked around for our teachers. "Weird, they're usually around right about now." I say aloud to myself, searching the first trailer before walking to the second, both trailers big for their purpose. I strut into the second trailer and search the first two rooms, no luck. As I pass by the third room I hear guitar strings produce a familiar tune. I pause in my tracks, wanting to hear more of the beautiful notes.

"He said something to make you laugh.. I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours... Yeah you look happier, you do." I hear a voice sing on the other side of the door. I unknowingly smile as I lean my back on the door and listen. "Ain't no body hurt you like I hurt you, but ain't nobody love you like I do." The voice sings, the guitar still plucking each string perfectly with each lyric. "I know that there's others that deserve you.. But my darling, I am still in love with you." His soft voice sings, every word rolling off his tongue. "But I guess you look happier, you do. My friends told me one day I'd feel it too." He continues, surprisingly knowing every lyric perfectly. I decide to sing along, no longer being able to resist the urge to. "I could try to smile to hide the truth, but I know I was happier with you." He pauses his singing but continues to play his guitar like nothing happened, almost like he astonishingly didn't notice my voice joining his. "Yeah, I know I was happier with you." He finishes the song short, letting the last string he plucked let out its note before he cuts it of with a touch of his hand.

I turn the nob and open the door to reveal Finn sitting on a bean bag with his guitar in hand, the guitar rest about to be used. He jumps right as I swing open the door, guess he really didn't notice. "Finn that was amazing!" I exclaim with a smile. "Uh.. I don't know what you're talking about." He replies some-what calmly as he places his guitar in its rightful rest. "Happier! It was incredible! I never knew you could sing something other than rock and roll." I say while giggling, making him blush lightly. "I-I didn't know anyone was listening." He explains while rubbing his neck. "And I didn't know you liked Happier, but here we are." I mention, making him smile slightly. "I guess I just feel like I relate to the song, in a way." Finn says while staring at the floor. "And that way is..?" I ask even though I already know the answer, I just want him to say it. "Um.. No reason I guess." He replies while shrugging. "Finn, you can tell me." I say while sitting down in the bean bag next to him. He stares at his grey vans, clearly not wanting to tell me at all. "Wolfhard?" I ask, trying to get his attention. "Yeah, sorry." Finn mumbles while running his hand through his tangled curly hair I once loved to tug as we'd kiss. 

"I just don't feel too comfortable talking about it if that's okay." He explains with a hopeful face. "I mean if you're sure, I can tell you're uncomfortable though." I mention while gesturing to his body. "I'll probably be up to tell you later. Why are you in this trailer anyway?" He asks nicely, laying back in the beanbag. "I was looking for Kara, no teachers were in the other trailer so.. I checked here." I explain, he nods at my simple story. "How much did you hear me sing?" Finn asks insecurely, making me smile at his embarrassment. "You were great, I think you should do a cover for your YouTube channel." I suggest, he shrugs as if to say 'I'll think about it but no promises'. "Anyway," Finn says while standing up and checking his phone. "I have a scene to shoot in about twenty minutes so I should head to costume. I'll talk to you later?" He questions, holding his hand out to help me up from my seat. "I'm sure you will." I reply while accepting his gentleman-like offer. "I'm sure I will." Finn repeats as he walks out of the quaint room. As he leaves the trailer I find myself starting to stare at his guitar while in lays in its rest. How could he possibly relate to Happier?

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