Read Through

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Matt's (Duffer) POV:

As Ross and I sorted through all of the Episode 9 scripts, getting ready for the read-through this morning, I suddenly heard a ding coming from my pocket. I picked out my phone and stared at the new text sent from none other than Millie Bobby Brown. 

Mi11ster: Remember when you asked if I was dating someone? Well I am.

My jaw dropped as I finished reading the last two simple words, I am. "Ross! Ross!" I say smacking his arm repeatedly. "What?" He asks annoyed. "Millie is dating someone!" I announce, his face goes completely pale at my words. "Who?" Ross asks nervously. "She didn't say. Text her if you really want to know right now but I'm asking her at the read through so everyone will know." I explain shoving my phone back into my pocket. "Wow, young Millster has a boyfriend. Really mental, huh?" Ross mentions sighing like we've known her whole life, at least it feels that way. "I feel bad for Finn, can't image what this has done to him if he knows." I add frowning, his face reflecting the same expression before turning into a smirk. "What?" I question making him smirk even more. "What?!" I repeat, eager to know. "What if Millie's new boyfriend, is in fact Finn himself?" He suggests like it's a fact more than a guess. "Or it could be that new kid Romeo she's had a crush on." I protest, trying not to get him too hopeful. "Guess we'll find out soon, won't we?" He replies before bringing his attention back to the piles of scripts.

Finn's POV:

My phone blows up as I throw on my Toronto Blue Jays shirt and a pair of gray joggers. I click on my phone to reveal about 50 texts from our group chat, all of them questioning if Fillie is real except Noah who already knows the answer. I smirk mischievously before walking out to the parking lot with my dad. "So Finn, are you really dating Millie?" He asks curiously. I feel my cheeks get warmer at the sound of Millie and the word 'dating' in the same sentence. I shrug casually and nod, hoping that was good enough of an answer for him. "I knew you liked her from the day you guys met." He mentions while hopping in the car, I snicker and roll my eyes as I follow. "I meant it. You were drooling over her from day one, though this time she's looks even better, am I right?" Dad teases, punching my arm. "Just drive, old man." I say making him chuckle before finally starting the car and pulling out onto the street, heading to the studio.

During the drive there I decide to text some people out of pure boredom, one of which is the group chat. 

Wolfhard is online...

ChocolateDaddy: FINNLARD SPILL!

Toothless: ^

SinkinSadie: ^^

Wolfhard: Spill what?

Toothless: U know exactly what we mean, #fillie

SinkinSadie: #fillie

Wolfhard: Can't talk, cya on set

ChocolateDaddy: fine, but you can't ignore us irl 

SinkinSadie: Yea!

Toothless: operation find out fillie is ago.

I smirk to myself as I read the last text sent in the chat before turning on the 'do-not disturb' option for the chat. When I finally look back up at the streets we're already driving through the studio's gate and pulling into the parking lot. "Hey Finn, I won't be here today okay? So just act well...and yeah, good luck." Dad says patting me on the back as I unlock the door. "Okay, bye dad." I reply before jumping out of the car and walking towards the studio. On the way in I bump into Caleb and Gaten both looking tired and extremely excited like never before. "Finnlard! Just the guy we were looking for, so...spill." Caleb urges, resting his harm on my shoulder. I roll my eyes, "Like I said, I have nothing to spill Caleb." I repeat, he drops his arm from my shoulder and groans like a disappointed child, making me laugh. "This isn't over Wolfhard, I promise I will get the answer from you at the read-through!" He says pointing at me as I walk away from the conversation. I head over to the read-through room after grabbing a water from the cooler that for some reason is always on set. 

As I stare at the long table with names and scripts at each seat, I can't help but hope somehow Millie is next to me. I know, how childish is that? Regardless it's my thoughts and sometimes I don't have control of what my mind thinks of, sadly. The only people that are already here are Natalia, Charlie, and Joe; everyone else is either on their way or waiting for the Duffers to get them. "Morning Finn!" Joe shouts over to me, motioning his hand for me to come over to them. I smile and do as I'm told, "Hey guys, ready for Episode 9?" I ask cheerfully. "Yeah, yeah." Natalia starts in a i-don't-really-care tone, "But Finn, did you hear about Millie? I heard the Duffers saying she has a boyfriend, no one knows who though." She says in a curious tone like she's been thinking about it for a long time. "Really?" I ask, acting like I'm oblivious to the situation. Charlie nods sympathetically, "Yeah, sorry lad. I knew you and her had chemistry. Even if you didn't necessarily have a crush on her, it must hurt." He says frowning. "Wonder who the lucky guy could be." Joe adds staring off into space. I shrug innocently before heading down the table to take my seat next to Noah who's just playing on his phone casually. "Hey Noah." I say sitting down in my chair. He looks up from his phone to me, "Morning, I liked your way of telling the fans. Kinda surprised no one here caught on, if they saw it that is. Guess no one pays attention to what you and Millie post." Noah explains giggling. Soon enough, every last one of us arrive at the read-through and settle into our seats, ready to start.

"Okay guys, so before we start today I'd like to announce something I believe some of you have been wondering about recently." Matt says to the whole table, a smirk planted on both his and Ross' face. "Now we don't want this very special announcement to affect any of your performances during the read through but we don't want you to be antsy either, so why not now?" Ross adds looking up and down the table, more specifically at Millie. "Anyway, I'm sure some of you have heard- Our very own..Millie Bobby Brown." Matt starts, immediately everyone's eyes land on Millie at the sound of her name. Guessing what's coming next from Natalia's information, I sink down in my chair not wanting to be apart of this embarrassing announcement. "Has a.. drum roll please-" Matt says, everyone except Millie and I start tapping the table quickly. "Boyfriend!!" The brothers say in unison. Right away everyone either gasps or barters her with questions as she covers her head in her arms, both smiling from ear to ear and blushing from intense embarrassment. "Guys, stop!" She shouts, still smiling and blushing profusely. 

Everyone goes silent at the command, waiting and hoping for some kind of answer to all of their questions. I sink lower and lower into my seat, hoping and praying everyone forgot I even existed. "You want to know who he is?" She questions, her hands in the air. "YES!" They all say at the same time, making me want to become my chair completely. Millie leans on the table so she can see past Noah and to me. As our eyes meet a smile forms on her lips as she waves with her fingers my way, I shyly smile and wave back unsure of what to do as all eyes are on us. "It's Finn!?" Everyone except Noah shouts in unison, complete shock filling all of their voices. I slink to the lowest point of my chair and cover my steaming red face as Millie shrugs and leans back in her chair, how can she always stay so calm? "It's not a big deal guys, I'm just shocked you never guessed it before. I mean there was a picture of us kissing from one of our dates and Millie was my date to the IT premier. Look who's oblivious now?" I explain finally coming up from my seat, when I finish talking I'm surprised I even started. "Did you say ONE of your dates?! There's been multiple?!" Natalia questions excitedly. "Maybe." Millie replies making her squeal. "Okay guys, you have to kiss before we start." Joe says in a desperate tone. "No. Stop. Never." Millie says, half joking. 

Just then the Duffers start tinking their metal water bottles with a plastic knifes like people do at weddings to get the bride and groom to kiss, or in our case Millie and I. "No, stop." Millie says in a playful tone. Sooner or later everyone has suddenly been gives plastic knifes to join the Duffers in their tinking non-sense. Millie smacks her hands on the table and stands from her seat before walking over to me and pulling my hand to get me up from my seat. Okay, wow. This is actually much for peer pressure, am I right?  Once the two of us are standing she lets go of my hand and wraps her arms around my neck, sending a loud "oooo" to engulf the room. No longer wanting to wait I press my lips onto hers, all the cast and Duffers cheer making Millie smile against my lips before pulling away. We sit back down in our seats, my lips still feeling the sensation of touching Millie's as I take a gulp of my water. "Thirsty are we?" Caleb whispers next to me as I stare at Millie. I elbow his side and roll my eyes before we actually start reading, every so often during a Mileven scene someone will start ooo-ing or whisper out a small "awwe". Now that everyone knows about us a heavy weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can finally be some-what open about being with Millie, for the first time in a long time I truly feel satisfied with where I am in life.

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