On My Way

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Finn's POV:

We walk into the living room and sit on the opposite couch of Paige. My palms are sweating and I can feel the knots in my stomach tighten as I sit down next to Millie. "So.. I know what I saw but I just want to hear you say it. What were you two doing in there?" Paige asks motioning her hand to Mills room. "If you want the organic answer, we were making out." Millie exclaims looking calmer than ever. I stuff my hands into my pockets to try to stop them from cold sweating. Paige smirks, "I thought you and 'Wolfhard' we're just friends." She says. I blush now knowing Millie even uses my nickname when I'm not around. "W-we.. Paige I don't know what you're playing at but you know what happened and obviously we're now more than friends but it's complicated. I know I'm not allowed a boyfriend because of you and Charlie so is there anything you really want to know besides the obvious." Millie snaps at Paige. I'm surprisingly not shocked by Millie's sudden attitude for her sister just because her personality is unexpected but it's part of what makes her, her. "He can't be your boyfriend unless Charlie approves of him." Paige says and walks away into her own room. Millie and I look at each other and smile, "Are we gonna tell the others?" She asks. "Depends. Millie, what are we now?" I ask. After everything that happened, sure we've been great friends but there's always been a connection, a bond like Millie said in an interview: Whenever I'm uncomfortable Finn will immediately know. Which is true, call it a feeling but I can always tell. "I'm not sure.. I mean, I can't have a boyfriend unless Charlie agrees but I don't know Finn." Millie says, I just realized how much I adore her British voice; even if the accent has faded slightly it's always there letting you know she's different.

I nod my head at her answer, "Let's just keep doing what we're doing, sound good?" Millie smiles in approval. I check the time on my phone. Shit. 10:45 p.m. Dad will kill me if he knows I'm here. I rush into Millie's room and grab my bag before heading back into the living room "Mills, I have to go. We have shooting tomorrow right?" I ask as she sits up from the couch. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." Millie says as she leads me to the door and hugs me goodbye. I wave as I swipe the key card on the lock and head inside. I take off my shoes as slow and quiet as possible followed by my jacket. I look around the living room and kitchen checking to make sure Dad is in his room. I slide over the stainless wood floor and to my bedroom door, thankfully Dad was no where insight; I drop my bag and sigh. Long but enjoyable day. Throwing off my shirt, I roll it into a ball and throw it into my laundry basket. "Swish!" I whisper into the silent room. I smile and change into some shorts before settling down in my bed and scroll through Instagram. As I scroll through my feed I spot an adorable drawing of Millie and I kissing, without thinking I like the picture and fall asleep.

{Actual Photo Finn Has Liked}

{Actual Photo Finn Has Liked}

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Millie's POV:

That night I go to sleep with Finn on my mind; the day had been so eventful from the beginning of the morning to the end of the evening, and it all happened with none other than Finn Wolfhard. The next morning I wake up to the sound of my alarm, still exhausted from the day before. Memories still drifting through my mind. "Millie! Wake up, you have shooting today!" I hear as I trudge into my bathroom. "Okay!" I yell back before jumping into the shower. After I take my shower I go through my regular routine of: brush my teeth, get dressed, grab coffee, and finally head to set.

As Paige and I walk from the parking lot to the studio we run into the two and only Duffer Brothers. "Millie we'll need you to head to the makeup trailer before we start your scenes okay?" Matt asks as we walk together. "Gotcha." I reply and take my phone from my pocket as we walk inside the massive studio. I should text Finn, haven't seen him yet. Usually he's the latest one to arrive.. still. 

Millster: Hey Finnie, where r you?

Wolfhard: On my way.

Millster: Oh okay, how far?

Wolfhard: A block or 2 away.

Millster: OK see ya soon.

I smile at my phone which brings Paige attention to my texts, she smirks. "Texting make-out buddy I see?" I shoot her my Eleven look trying not to smile but fail. "Don't tell anyone, not yet." I say as we approach the all the other young cast members. "Hey Millster!" Noah says hugging me and smiling. "Hey Schnapper." I reply back and greet the others. Only one person missing, Finn. He should be here by now, right? I start to worry and walk over to Ross who looks terrified while talking on the phone. "Yes.... Studio 3.. Of course.. Okay, Okay. Thank you, bye." He looks over to me as he lowers his phone from his ear, fear consuming his eyes. "I-Its Finn. He.. got into a car crash." Everything around me suddenly turns slow-motion, I can't speak, or cry, or even move. Nothing seems right, everything is wrong, Ross is pranking me. He has to be..... he isn't, is he. "Millie? Millie you okay?" Ross asks holding my shoulders. I pull myself away from him and bolt out the studio. I sprint through the parking lot and ignore the people calling out my name. I need to find him, see him. I finally reach the studio's gate and forcefully push it open, I look around and try to listen for sirens of any kind over the loud yelling of my name.

Once I start to hear out the sirens, I dash towards them desperate to see Finn. I turn a corner of a building before I finally see it; Ambulances and police cars surround a black suburban smashed and on its side, smoke flying from its engine. My sight gets blurry from my tears as I push through the workers and to the destroyed car. "Miss you can't be over here!" A worker calls out at me. "I know them!" I shout back. As I get closer to the suburban I can see Finn laying on his side in the car unconscious and bleeding.. a lot. I fall to my knees too exhausted and scared to get closer. "Finn! Finn! Please, Finn!" I yell through sobs. "Millie, come on." Paige calmly says as she pulls me away from the car and glass that surrounds it. "No! Finn! No!" I shout squirming in Paige's arms. This is just like El being taken away from Papa..yet much worse, so much worse. Paige holds me in her arms as I watch workers pull Finn and his dad out of the car, both unconscious and bleeding. I can't stop crying, I bet all the other kids are crying too, maybe not as much though. They put both Finn and his dad in separate ambulances and drove away to the hospital, leaving me and some of the cast and crew at the crash site.

{Back At The Studio}

Millie's POV:

"You don't actually expect me to just go on and work with something like this happening, do you?!" I yell at Ross, he has no clue what to do. He looks like a new parent who has just experienced his child's first tantrum. "Uh I-I no.. um Millie I.." Matt pushes Ross aside and looks at me, "You're an actress aren't you?" He asks. "Yeah." I reply still angry. "Then do what you're supposed to, act. I'm sorry it's under these circumstances but we're really behind schedule. Millie please, I need you to be cooperative right now. And once you're done with the scenes we need you to do, you can go straight to Finn. Deal?" Matt says in his caring voice. "Fine." I say and head to the set for the few scenes I have without Finn. Oh god.. Finn.

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