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Finn's POV:

It's the next day and when I wake up I can't help but feel empty for a reason I don't know. The events that took place last night just blur into enjoyment, confusion, and a small peck irritation. I had snapped at Millie to make up her mind about her feelings and was mad she hadn't, why'd I do that? All I knew is that I had to fix it or the fear Millie and I shared would come true, the fear of our friendship never being the same again. I pick up my phone and search for her contact before texting her.

Wolfhard: Hey Mills, you up?

Millster: Yeah why?

Wolfhard: I'm sorry I was kinda angry last night, I don't know what's happening with my emotions lately.

Millster: It's fine. What do you mean by "lately?"

Wolfhard: Idk, this morning I just feel empty.

Millster: Should I be worried?

Wolfhard: No, I'm sure it'll be gone by tomorrow. See ya on set.

Millster: Bye! <3

I set my phone down and trudged to the bathroom. I stared into the mirror at my emotionless expression. What was happening to me? Why do I feel so..empty. I take a shower and eat breakfast before heading out to the van that takes us to the studio. Millie ironically meets up with me on the elevator. Great. I think not really in the mood for talking to anyone, no clue why. "Hey Finn!" She says stepping into the elevator, I only lightly smile and lift my hand as a response. I click on the star labelled button that takes us down to the lobby before stuffing my hands back into my pockets as the elevator shifts down each floor.

Millie's POV:

The trip from the elevator to the lobby is silent and awkward, at least for me it is. I look over at Finn as we reach the second floor, his eyes look tired and sad as they meet mine. He plasters a smile on his face and I can immediately tell it's emotionless. "Wolfhard?" I ask trying not to sound worried, I fail. "I'm okay Mills, don't worry." He replies as if he already knew what I was going to ask. We walk through the lobby and to the van waiting outside. As we climb into the van Finn greets all of the kids with his fake smile and reassuring voice, no one notices but me. I'm sitting behind Finn when I put my hand on his shoulder, lean forward, and whisper into his ear; "Are you sure it's a one day thing?" He looks back at me and nods. I still can't pull myself to believe him, I've just never seen him be this way or feel it either. 'Empty' is what he called it in his text, what does that mean? I look up 'feeling empty' in Google and the results are bluntly listed on the screen: Feelings of emptiness—a lack of meaning or purpose—are experienced by most people at some point in life. However, chronic feelings of emptiness, feelings of emotional numbness or despair, and similar experiences may be symptomatic of other mental health concerns, such as depression, anhedonia, or schizophrenia.
I stare at the screen blankly.. this couldn't possibly be anything listed; Depression? Anhedonia? Schizophrenia? No. None of these could be Finn.. I'm sure he's right. It's a one day thing; like the article said, most people experience it once in their life. It's just the one time he'll experience it, he'll be fine, I shouldn't worry. I keep telling myself this as I slip my phone away into my pocket and ride all the way to the studio.

Finn's POV:

Through the whole morning I have to force a smile on my face and act happy. After all, acting is what I'm good at. No one questions the emptiness in my eyes as I plaster my fake smile onto my face except for Millie. Every time I see her she always acts normal but something in her eyes tell me she's worried, scared even. I try to ignore it but she keeps showing up wherever I am wether it's on set, in the parking lot, or even on lunch break. I finally get sick of it and have to break it straight to her, "Millie will you stop following me?" I ask annoyed. "I'm not following you Wolfhard, just happen to be bumping into you a lot." She replies playing with her ring; She's nervous. "Why are you nervous?" I ask still annoyed. "I.. I thought about what you said this morning and.. I found this." Millie takes out her phone, pulls up Google search and shows it to me. (The article Millie looked at in the van)
I look away from her screen and to the ground after reading the whole article. "I'm fine Millie." I say not wanting to look into her soft, worried eyes. "Finn I'm scared, what if you could actually have one of these?!" She asks grabbing my wrist to stop me from leaving. "Millie it's one day, okay? I'm fine. I promise." I say, knowing the meaning of the word promise between us. Ever since season one promise has been a word that was lightly used because of the importance of it in the show, the meaning of it. 'Something that you can't break. Ever.' When we say we promise, we mean it. And the shows definition of it lies in the word, making it powerful enough to make Millie let go of my wrist and drop the conversation. It can't be any of those, can it?

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