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Millie's POV:

Finn's face was bright red as he looked down and sighed while smiling like he just told himself off in his mind. "Alright guys, we're here." Paige announced. We all grabbed our bags and headed to the back stage area where I sat down on a couch and drank my frappuccino. Oh btw on the way to MomoCon we drove through Starbucks and got my favorite caramel frappuccino along with Finn's mocha frappuccino. I pulled out my phone while we were waiting for the panel to begin and started a live. "Hey guys! Right now I'm at MomoCon waiting for the crew to set up the panel. So I'll answer any questions for those of you who couldn't come today on here." I explain to everyone in the live. 50k watching this... woah.

"Hey Mills, whatcha doing?" Finn asks coming into the frame and looking at my screen. "Live." I answer looking behind me as he leans on the back of the couch. "Hi guys!" Finn said smiling and waving to the live. The chat exploded saying stuff like: "Fillie!, OMG ITS REAL!, Where are you guys?, Hi Finn!!, He's there?" and the number sky rocketed to 100k people watching. "Well they seem unhappy to see you." I say sarcastically. "Can I answer questions too or this just a 'Ask Millie' live." He asks. I look at the chat and all the people begging for him to join in. "I don't care." I reply as Finn jumps over the couch and sits down next to me. "You wanna hold it?" I ask holding my phone out for him to grab if he wants it. "Sure." He says as he takes it. I lean over and pick up my Starbucks drink before sipping while looking at the live. "Where are you guys?" Finn reads aloud, "Were at MonoCon. Millie is doing a panel and stuff here." Finn explains and looks over to me for confirmation, I just nod my head and rest my drink on my leg. I roll my eyes as I read the next question I see, "Is Fillie real? " I say as Finn puts my phone on the table so people can get a better view of us on the couch. "Nope." Finn answers as he crosses his legs on the couch and picks up his drink and starts sipping his too.

"Why is Finn there if its your panel?" I repeat and look over to Finn wanting him to answer but he's still looking at my phone and drinking his Starbucks. I nudge him with my elbow and he jerks his drink almost dropping it while coughing. I burst out laughing and he does too between coughs, I put my hand on his back as he coughs. "Sorry Finn!" I say between laughter. I finally calm down once he stops coughing and clears his throat. "You still want me to answer?" Finn asks, I nod my head and sip my drink knowing I won't choke on it like he did. The thought makes me smile and look at the live. "I'm just here because I don't have to shoot any scenes today because of the weather and it'd be good publicity for the photo op and meet and greets." Finn says to the viewers. "Do you like Finn?" I read aloud. I rest my arm on his shoulder before answering, "I love Finn just like I would love Gaten, Caleb or Noah." I explain as Finn watches me talk. Once I finished explaining he looks back at the live and nods his head.

"Millie Bobby Brown! You're on in 3!" A worker wearing a headset shouts over at me, bringing both mine and Finn's attention to him. "Okay, thank you!" I reply back. "I gotta go guys, thanks for the wonderful questions! Love and Light!" I say and blow a kiss to the camera before clicking: End Live-Stream. "Good Luck!" Finn says as I run over to the stage entrance, waiting for my cue to go on.

Towards the end of the panel a young girl asks into the mic, "How did you meet all of the boys?" In which I smile at her adorable voice and start to explain. "Well I met them through both chemistries and call-backs. So the first guy I met was Finn Wolfhard, who plays Mike, and actually during the chemistry when we we're talking and such he felt like he was about to puke. I have no clue why-" I get cut off by Finn walking on stage and everyone screaming at his sudden appearance. "What are you doing?" I ask confused and away from the mic. "Just play along." Finn says and sits down next to me; a staff member runs on stage and hands Finn a mic and suddenly he's apart of the panel.

"Okay here's the thing, the reason why I thought I was going to throw up was something that I can't really explain but I'll try my best." Finn starts as I'm just smiling and listening to him speak. "So I had a chemistry before Millie and for some reason I, sorry I can explain this better. So when you have someone doing something and suddenly it switches and you have another person doing that same thing, I don't know why, but my body acted in the way that I was going to throw up." He explains to the panel host and the audience. "Yeah and that didn't happen to me, sorry Finn. But uh yeah the rest of the boys I met at the call back and thats basically it." I say.
Okay I think we can do.. one more question and then these guys have to go." The host exclaims. Now a middle-aged man walks up the the mic and asks, "My daughter is a big fan of Stranger Things and uh 'ship' called Fillie, which I assume is you guys." He explains and we nod our head. "What's your question?" Finn asks interrupting the man. I elbow him in the side making him look at me his face saying: What was that for? "Sorry about him, go on." I say to the man. He nods and proceeds to his question, "She was wondering what shooting the Mike and Eleven kiss was like if you don't mind talking about it." He says.

"We don't mind at all." Finn says and looks at me, wanting me to start explaining. "I mean there's isn't much to explain but um.. we had to do a kiss for the show, it was my first kiss actually." I say, Finn smirks and nods proudly as if he won a prize because it wasn't his first. "Yeah it wasn't Finn's though which you know was embarrassing at the time but yeah, Finn went through 2 bottles of tic tacks and... yep, it was great!" I explained. Finn nodded and added, "I would just like to mention that Millie and I weren't actually nervous or awkward it was the crew and our co-stars that were which is pretty ironic if you think about it." Everyone in the audience laughs and we're called off stage before anything else can be asked.

"Did they allow you to go on or did you just walk on?" I ask Finn as we grab our stuff and head to the parking lot. "Uh I kinda just walked on and they didn't stop me so I stayed." He explains making me laugh at his ruthlessness. "Well I think the audience liked it that you were there so I guess it's a win-win situation." I say as we climb into the car and drive off.

{Back In Millie's Room Where Her & Finn Are Hanging Out}

Finn's POV:

We talk about the convention, Season 2, and pretty much anything and everything. "Do you ever wish people didn't ship us?" She asks sitting criss-cross on her bed as I lay down next to her. "Sometimes but it gives the fandom something to fan girl about so.. I don't know." I say never really thinking about it. "What if it weren't us?" Millie says playing with her ring; bored. "What do you mean?" I ask not understanding her question fully. "Like if it weren't us who were cast as Eleven and Mike or in Stranger Things at all, would it even be this big, or would we be shipped?" She says her eyebrows furrowed like she's deep in thought. "No, I don't think we'd be nearly as big or shipped at all. Maybe we wouldn't even be famous." I exclaim, her face looks disgusted.

"What?" I ask worried it was something I said. "I hate being called famous, the word rots in my mouth. We're just ordinary people, nothing about us should make us 'famous'." She says, now that she points it out, I agree. The word never seemed right to me but there was no other word to use. "No." Millie says suddenly confusing me more then ever. I sit up and look into her eyes, "No what?" She sighs, "I don't think kissing sucks, not anymore." I can't help but want to kiss her right then and there. "Why is that?" I ask trying to control my emotions. "I guess with the right person, it's not so bad." She says smiling and never breaking eye-contact. Before I can control myself my hands are on her hips, her arms are around my neck and our lips are connecting over and over. Footsteps approach Millie's bedroom door but neither of us can stop all I can do is hope they don't come in.

"Mil- Oh. My. God." Millie pulls away and we both look over at Paige who is staring back at us with the door half open. "It's uh.. not what it looks like?" Millie says trying to change what Paige saw into something innocent and less romantic. Millie sighs knowing she's going to have to deal with Paige, lets go of my neck, and lets herself fall onto the bed. I'm still holding myself up with my arms on either side of Millie and don't know what to do. "You guys got some explaining to do, and Millie.. clearly you aren't just friends." Paige says and walks back into the living room to wait for us. "Sorry." I say biting my lip and crawling off of her. "It's fine, let's just get this over with." She replies as we walk into the living room to have 'a talk' with Paige. Here we go.

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