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Noah's POV:

As I walk on set I can hear the loud roar of laughter  fill the room. Is that the Duffers? Why are they laughing so much? "Hey guys! W-Whats so funny?" I ask, they quiet down and sigh sarcastically, "I'm sorry Noah but.. we promised not to tell." Ross said smirking. I furrow my eyebrows confused, "You can't just laugh hysterically and say: Oh we can't tell you." I snap, hoping they'll break. Matt shrugs, "I'll give you a hint.. starts with a F and ends with an e." Ross chuckles, "Good luck!" He adds as they both walk away. Starts with a F and ends with an e? And it's apparently smirk and laugh worthy...footage? freckle? I smirk thinking about how many freckles Finn has. Wait..that's it! Fillie! "Oh my gosh." I say aloud realizing its about them, it has to be.

Finally after about 15 minutes of searching, I find Finn and Millie walking towards the studio. "Millie! Finn!" I say trying to catch up, they look back and wait. "Whats the rush?" Millie asks when I get close enough. "I was um.. just wondering what you've guys been doing lately. Haven't seen you around that much." I reply. "Uh well we just got back from a meeting with the Duffers." Finn says shrugging. I smirk, making Millie nervous, "Noah.. why are you smirking like that?" She says seriously making me start to giggle. "What?!" Millie asks nudging my arm anxiously. "I'm not exactly sure what happened between you two.. but something must've happened in the meeting with you guys because the Duffers have been laughing their asses off for a solid hour. Oh and they gave me a hint.." They look at me nervously but intrigued. "Starts with a F and ends with an e." I quote. They look at each other and then to me, wanting me to continue. "So from what I've gathered so far.. the word must be.." I say dramatically, "F I L L I E aka Fillie aka Finn and Millie." Finn looks flustered and nervous while Millie's face is emotionless but her eyes are pleading and scared even.

"Nothing happened though..." Finn says trailing off. I start to get annoyed that they won't be honest with me. "Seriously? Guys I'm one of the most trustworthy people and a great friend to both of you, especially you Millie! Yet you guys won't really tell me what happened." Millie sighs and stares at Finn, "Mills No." He says sternly. "Finn I was gonna tell him eventually.. I guess now is the time." Millie replies, he looks annoyed but won't stop her. She looks over to me, "I hope you don't say anything about this ever, to anyone, but if you do I guess I can't stop you. But I'll kill you if you do." She says pointing at me. "Um so.. after the meeting where we got told we'd have to uh make out in Episode 5.. F-Finn pulled me aside into one of the alleys between the trailers and.. we.." Millie says playing with her ring. "We practiced making out. For the show of course! Nothing other than that.. but the Duffers caught us and thought otherwise." Finn explains as Millie's cheeks turn pinker than usual. "I'm confused, if it was just for the show.. what made it so special for the Duffers to act like this?" I say, knowing how awkward a romance scene can be without practice. "We um.. got a tiny bit carried away." Millie says staring at Finn. "How far is a little carried away?" I ask, nervous for the answer. "See this?" Finn asks pointing to his incredibly messy and tangled hair. "Yeah.." I answer confused. He smirks and points his thumb at Millie, "That's allll her."

Millie covers her face with her hands, embarrassed out of her mind. My jaw hangs from its socket as I stare at Millie. When did she become so... passionate? Ugh I hate that word being labeled on Millie in a romantic way. She's sweet, kind, goofy, sassy and innocent.. but now she seems.. guilty. Even though she's older than me by 8 months, now it feels like years. How? "You sure that was the same Millie who said 'kissing sucks' and 'I like Finn as a friend'." I say making a high pitched, British voice every time I quote Millie. "I don't sound like that!" She snaps. Finn smirks mischievously, "Oh it was her all right..down to the core." He says in a seductive whisper. Millie pushes him embarrassed and annoyed at his teasing. I know she loves it that we tease her by the joy in her eyes and the small raise in her lips. "C'mon Mills, you know you love the taste of Wolfhard lips." I add making her punch me multiple times in the shoulder. It hurts but nothing can beat Millie Bobby Brown being embarrassed, especially about Finn. "Can we drop it?" She asks running her hand through her hair. "Okay fine, and I know this is only our little secret." I reply. 

Finn's POV:

The rest of the day goes by fast and easily with the occasional smirk from Noah and the Duffer brothers, their teasing always seems to put a smile on my face for some odd reason. Now Noah, Millie & I are in my room at the condo working on the homework we have from school. Ever since Noah found out about Millie and I making out earlier all I've wanted was to taste her lips just one more time. "Finn will you stop staring?" She asks, a small smirk on her face. "What? I-I wasn't." I stutter, Noah is sitting next to me on the bed giggling. I hit his leg making him flinch in pain but he doesn't stop giggling. Millie rolls her eyes, "Just because Noah's knows, doesn't mean you can be blankly obvious all the time." She says and does Barb's signature look. I smirk, her Barb stare looks nothing like Shannon's but it's pretty cute when she does it. Noah wacks the back of my head with his pen, "Hey Finnie Boi, you're staring." He informs me, slightly annoyed. Millie puts down her pencil and sighs, "Finn if every time we hang out you just stare at me then I'll have to quit ST." She says dramatically with sarcasm in her tone. "Sorry! A lot of things can change in a few weeks." I say, the last part mostly to myself.

About 2 hours pass before Noah has to go back to his building leaving only Millie and I in my room. I wait 5 minutes after Noah leaves before walking over to Millie who is sitting in a chair across the room and connect my lips to hers. "Fi-" She manages to croak out before I sush her with my kiss. At first shes shocked and holds her breath but slowly starts to breath as I push her homework from her lap and flip her around so I'm the one sitting in the chair and shes sitting on my legs, not once do our lips disconnect during all of it. I can tell Millie's getting into it when she starts to pull and rustle my hair as we kiss. Somewhere in this time our tongues meet and I realize want this to happen all the time. After maybe 10 minutes of making out Mills pulls away, her hands still in my hair, my arms still caressing her back, and a smile printed on both of our faces as our eyes lock on each others. I hear the squeak of my bedroom door open but neither of us want to move as we pant. "Holy Shit." Noah says walking into the room and staring at us in the chair, me sitting normally while Millie's sitting on my lap, her knees bent at my hips and feet barely touching my inner knee. Our arms haven't moved from their 'make out position' and were still panting as Noah stares.

Millie surprisingly kisses me one last time before climbing off of me and hopping onto my bed, slowly catching her breath. "You're kidding me..right?" Noah asks annoyed. I try to catch my breath, "What?" I ask. He glares at me and Millie, "Right after I leave?! Really?! You just can't keep your hands to yourself can you Finn." He replies, obviously annoyed at me. "You're right, I can't." I reply finally catching my breath. Noah sighs, "You guys are kinda scaring me.. I mean you're not even a couple yet you're making out every time you're alone. You're 13 and 14! Millie its only been a month since you were a declared a teenager and here you are, sucking face with Finn every chance you get." He scolds. "Y-You're right.. I'm not like this. Finn, I'm sorry.. we can't do this. It's unhealthy and just not good for someone my age, or even yours. W-We won't be making out again.. except for ST of course. Okay?" She asks me. I probably look pissed because I know in my head I want to yell at Noah for messing this up with Millie. Although I know he's right I refuse to believe it. Sure.. maybe Millie is too young, but the feelings she has aren't. I shake my head slightly and try to act normal, "Okay." I reply reluctantly. Millie grabs all of her homework that's scattered on the floor and hugs me tight, "Goodbye Mike." She whispers in my ear as she hugs me and leaves my condo after Noah.

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