Is Real

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Millie's POV:

"No Mills, Finn has to go. You're behind on homework and our family is coming here tomorrow." Paige scolds, making me groan in disappointment. "Well can I at least have Noah over to help me? He is the only one in my grade so.." I complain, in truth I just want to hang out with Noah. "Fine, but nothing other than homework. That means no watching movies or just hanging out, got it?" She offers, I immediately nod my head and smile ear to ear knowing I don't 'got it'. "You're excited I'm leaving? Ouch." Finn says, putting his hand on his chest as he walks into the room. "Yeah, you can get pretty annoying." I tease back while putting my hand on his shoulder. "Aww, that's the best compliment I've ever gotten." He jokes before hugging me from behind, his wrapped arms around my chest. Paige rolls her eyes, "Oh my gosh, just go already lover boy." I laugh at her order and lead Finn to the door. "See ya tomorrow." He says before unlocking his next door's condo. I gasp in disbelief, "What?" Finn asks, a grin on his face as he holds the door handle. "No goodnight kiss like in the movies?" I question raising my eyebrows. Finn shakes his head while laughing before walking back over to me. He cups my cheek with one hand, jacket in the other, and presses his lips onto mine gently before pulling away, his face bright red. "Night Finnie." "Night Mills." Finn replies before winking at me and quickly entering his condo, making me laugh hysterically.

"What did he do?" Paige asks excitedly as I come back in, still giggling as I replay the image over and over. "Nothing..Finn just being Finn." I reply, wanting to keep the Finn-talk to a minimal. "Alright then.. you should call Noah up then." She suggests, handing me a plate of chicken nuggets. "I will, thanks!" I shout as I take a bite from the delicious nugget, heading to my room. I set my plate down on my desk and flop onto my bed; grabbing my phone beside me and pulling up Noah's contact, then tapping the FaceTime option. Soon enough Noah's face pops up on my screen. "Hey Millie!" Noah says happily before crunching his face like he's staring at something. "Hey, what you looking for?" I ask giggling. "I don't know if you noticed, but you have like this major cut on your bottom lip." He explains rubbing his finger over his undamaged lip. "Is it really that noticeable?" I question sighing. "Kinda..what happened? Did someone hurt you? I swear if somebody hurt you I'll-" Noah blurts out in a long jumble before I cut him off, "Here, let's make a deal. Drive over here and help me with my homework, and I'll tell you what happened." I explain, he nods his head agreeing before ending the call.

Noah's POV:

Sooner or later I arrive at Millie's condo building and head into the lobby, almost immediately getting recognized. "OMG! Aren't you Will? Will Byers?!" A young girl questions jumping up and down. I decide to ignore her due to her parents trying to take her back to their hotel room. I trudge up to the front desk, my backpack in hand that's full of some drinks, papers, and my laptop. "Hi, I'm here to see MBB." I say to the woman behind a computer, typing away. "MBB as in...Millie?" She asks quietly, I nod my head. "Noah Schnapp, was it? Go ahead, room 111." She explains pointing to the staircase rather than the elevators, probably for my own safety. I thank her and begin my journey up the stairs, getting lost in my own thoughts along the way. What could've happened to Millie's lip? It's not like any sharp food or anything could do that, and she wouldn't be messing with knifes so.. what else is there? Well I don't know Noah, that's why you're here! I roll my eyes at my own thoughts as I knock on Millie's door. "SCHNAPPER!" A girl yells from inside followed by pounding footsteps, can Millie get any louder? She swings the door open and quickly hugs me before leading me to her room, waving at Paige as we pass her.

Once she closes her bedroom door I sit down on her armchair and set down my bag, "Okay, explain your lip." I state flatly. Millie turns a dark shade of red that is out of this world as she plops down on her bed, refusing to make eye-contact. "What does Finn have to do with this?" I question, there's no other reason she'd be blushing like crazy otherwise. "He doesn't!" She snaps disgusted before then sighing defeated. "Finn.....had everything to do with it." Millie says sweetly smiling like she's reliving a fond memory. "Oh god." I add, I'm not ready for Millie to be all lovey-dovey about Finn yet, that is yet. "Um.. so uh Finn and I were just m-making out." She awkwardly starts, I go limb and fall out of my chair, now done with life. "Noah, I haven't even gotten there." Millie adds giggling, I sit up letting her know to proceed. "Well um Finn.." She lightly laughs, "He uh..." Millie then starts to bite her nails nervously. "Just spit it our Mills!" I say even though I'm just as nervous. "Finn bit my lip." She blurts out, blushing. I feel myself getting heated by the second knowing that Finn would do such a thing to Millie, to make her bleed for crying out loud. He may be my friend, but he sure as hell is not getting away with this.

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