Weird Enough

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Finn's POV:

She's done it again. There's been one other time something like this has happened but this time, I have a special feeling about it. I stare at Millie through the clear glass window, when her eyes meet with mine she raises an eyebrow. It's only then that I realize I have an ear-to-ear smile spread across my face and immediately look at Millie's family members who share the same expression. Millie steps away from the balcony and comes inside slowly with a extremely confused look on her face, her eyes first meet with mine as she looks around the living room. "What's going on?" She asks nervously. "Millie, you got nominated for Best Actor In A TV Show." Paige replies excitedly, holding Millie's shoulders. Her face almost goes pale at the sudden news as a shocked and surprised feeling controls her every move. "W-What? Really?" She asks looking at everyone else, landing on me last. I look her straight in the eyes and nod, assuring her this isn't some sick joke. She lets out a breath of relief like she's been holding it in all her life, a smile creeping onto her lips. "I got nominated...I got nominated." She repeats, more dramatically the more she says it. "You can stop bragging, we get it, you got nominated!" Charlie teases in a sarcastic tone, making Millie punch him in the arm while squealing excitedly. Her father, Robert, and Charlie then switch their attention back to the game- of course still very proud but hey, TV.

"Well do I get a hug or not?" I ask jokingly as she looks at the floor, her eyes full of joy. Millie laughs lightly before lifting her head and quickly welcoming my open arms. She takes her head way from my shoulder and gives me a quick peck on my lips before releasing me from her embrace. Her eyes lock with mine as I can't help but looked a little shocked, after all, she's the one who asked me to not give her any affection in front of her family. Millie instantly reads my expression and looks from her mom, Ava, and lastly Paige. She starts to back away from me, scratching the back of her head nervously. "Um Millie?" Her mom, Kelly, asks. "Hm?" Millie replies softly, staring at her mother's legs. "Do you have something you want to tell us?" She asks in a classic motherly tone. Millie scoffs, "Whaaaat? Course not!" She replies, probably 100% knowing her acting is terrible and wanting it that way. "Uh-huh, and what about you Finn? Got any big news you'd like to share?" Mrs. Brown asks gently, seeing as I'm not her kid. "Um well.." I stutter out, I look over to Millie for help but she's just staring at the floor aimlessly. Wow, thanks Millie. So helpful. I sigh knowing I can't lie to her, especially since she's her own mother. "M-Millie and I.. we're together, dating." I admit while rubbing my neck, nervous of what's to come. 

Charlie and Robert's heads whip backwards from the TV to me, fury and shock on their faces as they make the hairs on my neck and arms stick straight up. "What did you just say young man?" Mr. Brown asks sternly. "U-Uh um.." I sputter out, fear paralyzing me in my place. Millie rushes over to me and pulls my stone cold face to look at her in the eyes, her pupils grow as she stares at me, not one ounce of fear present in her light brown eyes. For some odd reason it makes me more relaxed to get lost in her eyes and just forget that her father and brother are about to beat me to my grave. She walks away from me and faces the two men who are angrily glaring at me. "Charlie..Dad, I know I never asked permission but- is it okay if I date Finn?" Millie asks, hope laced into her voice. "Um.." Robert starts, his voice sounding softer than before. He glances behind Millie to inspect me, he bites his lip like he's deep in thought or contemplating on letting me live. Hopefully just deep in thought, hopefully. I decide to break the eerie silence by trying to convince him. "Mr. Brown I promise I'll always treat her right and never hurt her, that is if you'll allow me to." I say hoping he'll at least give me a chance. "Hey, I have a say in this too!" Charlie mentions, throwing his hands up. I hear Millie giggle sightly, making Charlie smile at the slight change in mood. 

"Millie?" Robert asks curiously while now peering at her face. "Yeah?" She replies casually, like these types of conversations happen daily. Maybe they do, I wouldn't know. "Did you cut your lip?" He questions, touching the same spot on his own. "Y-Yeah, just um.. tripped while biting my lip and it sorta just..happened." She quickly improvises. Paige obviously is trying to hold back her laughter, almost getting everyone's attention before I smack her arm lightly as a sign to stop. "Ha! Clumsy Millie." Ava pipes in after being silent for most of the conversation, making Millie roll her eyes playfully. Mr. Brown clears his throat, "Millie, Finn, have you thought about the consequences of this type of relationship, especially with being co-stars?" He asks us, Millie and I nod our heads. "Yeah, we know if things go south all of our friendships could be ruined and working together could be miserable." Millie explains quickly, trying not to think about the negatives. "And the fans?" He adds, we nod once again. "We already told them." I reply, he sighs defeatly. "Well Finn, you seem like a good guy who would treat any girl right, I'll give you that. But know if you ever hurt Millie in any way, it'll be the last day you see her or anyone in this family, are we clear?" He explains sternly. "Transparent." I reply while nodding, he sits back down on the couch and starts to watch the game once again.

Everyone kinda looks at each other in astonishment at her fathers sudden agreeable attitude, except for Ava who is just oblivious to the whole scenario. "Um, congrats?" Paige guesses, looking from me to Millie. "Always thought you'd be a cute couple, turns out I was right." Mrs. Brown adds with a smile before going off to play with Ava. "Millie, you should walk Finn out. It's getting late." Paige says lowly to Millie, just loud enough for me to hear. Millie nods her head understandably before walking towards the door and gesturing for me to come with her. I follow her out into the hallway, my condo's front door just feet away. She closes the door behind her and lets out a long sigh as she runs her hand through her short brown hair. "You okay?" I ask, knowing the sigh wasn't just for show. "Yeah, fine. Just happy that's over, kinda awkward y'know?" She explains, shrugging it off. "I get it. Lucky for me Nick is nothing but happy for us, same goes for my dad- I think he's always liked you." I add, knowing it means a lot to her. "He's a cool dad, who couldn't like him?" Millie says with a giggle, making me do the same. "I better go, Paige was right about it being late." I mention, glancing over at the door a few feet away from hers. "Wait." She blurts out. The second I look back at her, her lips are smashed into mine. I take a step back as I quickly melt into the kiss and pull her closer to me. She wraps one arm around my neck and the other gripping my shoulder tightly. It slowly becomes harder to breath from our lips never wanting to leave each others as they move to a steady rhythm. 

Reluctantly I pull away from her lips, my lungs practically begging for air while my lips just beg for hers once more. "I love you Millie, you know that right?" I say, the space between us just inches apart. "I know, and I love me too." Millie replies with a mischievous smile, making me roll my eyes happily. I let her out of my arms as she giggles at her stubborn joke. "What? I'm kidding, I love you too." She says, still laughing. "Yeah, I can see that." I reply jokingly, making her laugh harder. "Goodnight Millster." I add, walking towards my door. "Night Finnie." She replies, doing the same. Just as I'm about to walk inside I can't help but glance over at her, coincidentally she does the same. She takes this as her chance to blow me a kiss, just like she does to all the fans and paparazzi at any time and place she goes. I roll me eyes one last time before heading inside, listening to her faint giggle as she trudges into her own condo. I walk into my room and sit on my bed while staring at myself in the mirror, amazed at what a night this has become. "Family approves, got to make out, and even confessed my love for her... where she did the same?!" I ask myself still fan-boying at the thought. "Damn Finn, you dah man!" I exclaim, pointing at myself in the mirror while giving myself an approving smile. I sigh happily as I fall back onto my bed, still smiling ear to ear. "I'm so weird." I admit aloud as another thought pops into my head. "I guess I'm just weird enough for fucking Millie Bobby Brown to love me." 

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