Aren't I

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Finn's POV:

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and entered the living room where Nick and my dad lazily sat on the couch. I clear my throat, getting their attention. "Um, Nick.. we should probably head out now. I have to be there in 8 minutes." I complain, forcing him to spring up from the couch and dash to grab his keys before practically sprinting out the door. As I carry the pounds of schoolwork on my back, I chase after Nick who is running at full speed down the halls. "Slow down you idiot!" I shout after him, though I was a little too late. Nick sprints straight into a young girl by a failed attempt to dodge her, making both of them tumble to the stiff ground, the girl's luggage scattering all across the floor. "I am so sorry!" Nick admits while chuckling at his own stupidity I suppose. "Nick! I literally just told you to slow down and now look what you've done!" I scold, glaring at him as I help him up from the ground. "Sorry," He says before grabbing my arm and pulling my ear to the side of his face, "But she's really cute." Nick whispers into my ear, letting me shove him away as I help the girl gather her things that somehow seem familiar. 

"You don't have to help me.." The girl says lowly, pausing in the middle of her sentence, "Finnie." She adds, getting my attention off of her things and to her. The only girl that's ever called me Finnie is Millie.. but this girl has an American accent, it can't be her. "Uh.. I insist, it's the least I can do after my imbecile brother knocked into you." I reply kindly, the girl's eyes and hair is covered by her large hoodie as a smile forms on her lips. "You really are oblivious, aren't you Wolfhard?" She teases, I guess she knows who I am then. "Excuse me?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed as I exchange a confused look with Nick. She stands up from the ground, most of her luggage has transferred to either her back or my hands as most of her face still stays a mystery. "My gosh, Finn, so oblivious sometimes." The girl remarks before quickly smashing her lips onto mine. I'm completely taken aback but can't help but feel as if the kiss is impossibly right, like the girl's lips are all I've always wanted in life. After about a few seconds of our lips connecting Nick interrupts us. "Finn! You have a fucking girlfriend you douche bag!" He scolds, reminding me and allowing me to pull away from the lovely kiss. Finally I get a fulfilling look at the girl as I stare at her up and down, mostly at her face that is no longer covered, but replaced with a devilish smirk.

"Millie?" I question as I stare at my girlfriend before me. "Finn." Millie replies sarcastically. " Did you plan this?" I ask as Nick's face turns completely pale. "Not really, just thought of it when I heard your voice yelling at Nick, it worked obviously." She admits while laughing. "That..That explains a lot." I remark as I push my hand through my hair. Nick steps between us with his hands on either side of us. "Okay, good prank and all but we're going to be late! C'mon!" He announces while running once again, this time out to the parking lot. "Would you have really kissed a random girl.. and actually kiss back?" Millie asks as we jog side by side, chasing Nick. "N-No! Of course not! The kiss just felt.. like familiar and really, really, e-enjoyable." I admit, feeling a sudden warmth overcome my cheeks. "I'd hope it did." She shoots back before sprinting in front of me to make it to the car. As I jump in the car I realize Millie is still with us, "Are you riding with us?" I question as she flashes me a smile. "Yeah, kinda convenient we crossed paths in the halls." She explains. I nod before thinking of something to add, "Literally." I say, ironically making the British girl laugh. "Wait, back there, you had an American accent." I state, the sentence sounding more like a question than anything. "I was acting, duh." Millie replies with a smirk. "Clever girl." I quote while pointing at her. "I try." She admits, shrugging innocently. 

Eventually after a talkative ride with my older brother and Millie, we finally arrive at the studio where basically everyone is waiting for us. "Oh and Nick.. I don't owe you a penny, Caleb told me about the text you sent him. So kiss that free food goodbye." I remark with a pleased smirk before hopping out of the car with Millie. Right as Nick drives away annoyed and shocked, four friendly and familiar faces come running towards us. "Fillie!" They all call out in unison, making both Millie and I roll our eyes but welcome their hugs with open arms. "So.. are you back together or not Finnie Boi?" Caleb asks eagerly while wrapping his arm around my shoulders. Millie shoots me a look that makes my knees shake with fear, "Uh..uh..maybe? n-no? y-yes?" I blurt out, her glare never fading. "You okay, man?" He questions, pulling the side of my head to face him rather than the menacing Millie behind me. "Yeah.. dude, when guys say not to mess with your girl, they mean don't mess with your girl." I mention as my eyes widen, he nods agreeing with the 'fact' before a devilish smirk appears on his face.

"Your girl?" He repeats with a smile printed on his face as his eyebrows wiggle. I shove his arm away as I mentally face-palm for being so gullible. "So you are together! Yay, Fillie is real once again!" Caleb announces as he pushes himself off of my shoulders with his hands as he jumps around. "You told him?!" Millie questions sternly, from Caleb interrupting her mid-conversation with Noah. "Whaat? Pfft!" I say guiltily, pushing my hand in the air like 'it's nothing'. She shoots me a glare, forcing me to tell her the truth. "Okay, I might've given him hints accidentally that just slipped out without me realizing it until it was too late." I blurt out quickly, all of our friend's eyes on the two of us. "Well uh.. guess you guys know now." Millie says with a sigh, her hand gesturing towards me. "Wait, really?" Sadie asks excitedly while squeezing Gaten's arm. I nod slowly as I stare at Millie who just smiles at her. "I ship it!" Noah adds, deserving a shove in the arm from Millie who just blushes slightly. As we begin our walk to the studio side by side, Sadie has yet to let go of Gaten's arm.. but maybe she just hasn't noticed? After all, most of us are like siblings to each other. 

"So guys, how about a sleepover at my condo tonight?" Caleb suggests while walking backwards in front of us. The five of us exchange glances until facing him once again. "I don't see why not." Millie says on behalf of everyone. "Great, I have to head to costume so I'll catch you guys later. Discuss times in the group chat?" He asks as he walks away, we all nod back. "I better go to costume too, see ya guys." Gaten announces, Sadie lets go of his arm and allows him to run after Caleb. "When are your scenes?" I ask Millie as we stroll into the studio, along side Sadie and Noah. "Um.. I have school first today so I guess 3 hours from now?" She replies with a genuine smile. I notice Sadie and Noah whispering to each other before Sadie slaps Noah's arm at something he said but even so, he still laughs. "What you guys talking about over there?" I question smugly. Noah smirks as his eyes meet with mine, "Oh just how Sadie has a secret cr-" He explains before Sadie's hands are covering his mouth. "Nothing, talking about nothing." Sadie exclaims quickly, leaving Millie and I to exchange suspicious looks as she then grabs Noah's wrist and runs off with him. 

"That wasn't weird at all.." Millie says sarcastically, her eyebrow raised as she watches Sadie drag Noah away from us. "Yeah, or suspicious either." I add, following her gaze. "What do think he was going to say?" She asks curiously as she changes her focus from them, to me. "Um.. well he said how Sadie had a secret cr.. crush?" I suggest seeing how it's the first thing that pops into my head. "Wait.. Sadie has a secret crush?!" Millie gasps out while suddenly squeezing my hand tightly. I shrug as if her action hadn't affected me at all, though in reality I felt a cold tingle run throughout my body to her touch. "Maybe, it's definitely a possibility." I reply, only making her more giddy. "Oh my gosh, I have to talk to them about this! How could they not tell me? I mean I'm their best friend too, or at least I think I am." Millie rants out, letting go of my hand as she runs her hands through her dark brown locks. "Mills, calm down. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for it. It's probably because I was here or- hell, maybe it's because her crush is someone in the cast." I exclaim, only making her wondrous eyes widen at my words. "What if her crush is you?" She whisper yells while pulling on my jersey sleeve. I snicker, "Okay, now you're just being irrational." I reply calmly, allowing her to let go of my sleeve and sigh. "Yeah, maybe you're right." "I am right." Aren't I?

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