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Millie's POV:

It's been over a month since the Stranger Things family wrapped Season 2, though it seems like forever ago now. We've all kept in close touch and hung out every week, or if we're traveling just facetime everyday. Of course, I can't help but miss being with them everyday while shooting the show I love, but not too much has changed over the time of the past month. Finn and I are still dating, we're all still the best of friends, and couldn't be happier with our jobs as actors.

"I'm just saying, if Eleven could talk it would've ma-" "It would've defeated the whole purpose of her living in a lab her whole life, Finn." I remark as he and I discuss Eleven's character while strolling in the city of Vancouver, hand in hand. "Fine, you win this time, Mills." He states with a sigh, hearing the familiar name putting a small smile on my face. "Have you ever thought about the day we first met?" I ask curiously, the question popping in my mind without warning. He gives me a glance of confusion before answering simply, "Yeah." I roll my eyes at his answer, wanting more than just 'yeah'. "What?" "Can you be more specific?" I plead as I wrap my free hand around his arm. "Well, can your question be more specific?" He remarks, his tone showing he's actually interested in the topic. "Fine, what was your first impression of me?" I ask eagerly, excited for the curly haired boy's answer. "British." He states simply while nodding slowly as his eyes face forward, causing me to just laugh hysterically. "I feel flattered." I say sarcastically, putting a smile on his lips. "As you should." He adds, his smile growing. I let out an annoyed groan as a mental reminder dings at me abruptly. "I have to leave tomorrow." A frown now replaces Finn's loving smile, his hand tightening around mine instinctively. "Why can't you just move to Atlanta like I did?" I ask, the stupid question making both of us chuckle. "I should've. Vancouver's overrated anyway." He states while throwing his free hand in the air as if to say 'who cares?', causing our laughter to continue. "Stop making me laugh! My face hurts." I whine while putting my nose on his shoulder, an act I've continued to do since the Sag Awards. "Just get a new one, easy." He jokes, earning a smack on the arm as I continue to giggle. "Sorry! I'll stop, I'll stop." Finn says with a chuckle, his humor never seeming to fail me. "We should head back before people start recognizing us." I mention, neither of us wanting to wear disguises of any sort in the summer weather. "At least then they won't complain about you not being with me." He remarks, referring to that time he met a woman at Whole Foods who said: You're cool and all but I wish Millie was here. "It was one time! And I don't get why I'm so great, cause I'm not." I admit with my head barely on Finn's shoulder due to our height difference. "Says the model, actor, singer, and horrible-dancer." He remarks as he lists them off on his fingers that I eventually slap away with a smile. "Well you're all of those things too, so why don't you get all the glory?" I ask curiously, now messing with his hand that's intertwined with mine. "I don't know, because people know you more?" He suggests, probably referring to all the live streams and panels I've done. "Not true! Ever since IT came out you've been huge!" I protest with my eyes wide. He shrugs as if that doesn't mean anything to him until a smirk finds a way to his lips, indicated her thought of a good comeback. "Says the girl who's nominated for her own Emmy." Finn mentions, knowing how much it annoys me when he brags about me... to myself. I roll my eyes as I groan lightly, hearing his adorable chuckle beside me. "Why can't you be helpful and keep me grounded like everyone else does?" I ask rhetorically. "Because then you wouldn't have anyone to show you how accomplished you are at 13." He explains calmly, wrapping his arm around me.

We continue to walk in a comfortable silence down the walk ways of the bustling streets of Vancouver. "Why can't I come with you?" Finn questions abruptly, causing my eyes to trail up to his puzzled, freckled face. "What do you mean?" I reply flatly. "Well, why can't I just go on the South America tour with you?" He asks, his question sounding more like a debate. I let out a snicker until realizing he's actually serious. "Uh Finn.. you can't just go uninvited. Plus, you have an EP to record and interviews to attend." I mention, noticing the slight frown that droops on his face; the sight making me wish I could just make everything work perfectly. He looks forward again with his lip in between his teeth, almost as if he's nibbling on it gently. "Finn," I lightly say. He hums as a response while still looking ahead of him. "We're gonna be fine." I assure sincerely, making sure he hears me. His brown eyes glance over at mine before looking down, nodding. "I know, but it doesn't change how much it'll suck not being with you." He admits honestly, making me smile subconsciously. "It's only for a week." I mention with a laugh, causing him to turn bright red. "Hey- look at me." I instruct as we come to a slow halt, his hand dropping down to my back as my thumb rubs over his jawline. Finn's dark, mesmerizing eyes meet with mine before I pull him in for a soft, caring, kiss that lingers probably more than it should for public. Pulling away I open my eyes first only to watch his flutter open, my touch seeming to still affect him just as well as the first time. "I thought you said you hated PDA." He whispers in a small smirk, causing me to roll my eyes in amusement at my nonsense of boyfriend as we start walking again. "What? I'm just sayin'." Finn remarks as he chuckles. "Yeah, you say a lot of things Finnie." I state with a smile. "Care to give an example, Mills?" He asks, playing along. "I don't know, Mike, how bout... 'Promise'?" I suggest, raising my brows at him as a look of reminiscing flashes over his smiling face. "Can you promise me something?" Finn questions curiously, now looking me in the eyes just like countless times before. "Promise me that I'll always see you again, no matter how many goodbyes there are." Finn pleads calmly, his brown eyes and large pupils showing he cares. A small smile forms on my lips as I stare at the boy that's been with me through so much success and failures, for over two years I've known him and all of the cast, and those have definitely been the best two years of my life. So when that one word rolls my tongue like the countless times before, I know it's worth, and I know that every part of it is true. "Promise."

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