Sorry Heather

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Millie's POV:

After Finn told me to calm down he had to go shoot some scenes, only leaving me with one choice: go find Sadie and Noah immediately. Instantly my mind tells me to check Sadie's trailer, so Sadie's trailer it is. As I come closer to her trailer I can hear faint voices coming from inside. Jackpot. I knock on the door two times before it suddenly swings open to reveal Noah before me. "Finally, Mills we've been waiting for you!" Noah says as he grabs my arm and pulls me into the trailer, closing the door behind him. "Waiting for me?" I repeat, my eyebrows furrowed. Sadie stands next to her TV with her arms crossed, as where Noah joins me on the couch. "Yeah, I wanted to tell you earlier but Finn was there and.. it just would be an anxiety problem if he knew." Sadie explains quickly, brushing it off. "Wait, your crush isn't Finn right?" I blurt out, right then I can feel Noah's hazel eyes piercing my face as Sadie just raises an eyebrow. "Of course it isn't Finn!" Noah shouts, making me jump and immediately sink into the couch afterwards. "Noah, chill. How could she have known it was Ga- someone else?" Sadie mentions, internally face-palming herself towards the end. "Oh my gosh! You're secret crush is Gaten Matarazzo!" I squeal out after piecing each clue together. "Shh! Sheesh, so much for it being a secret crush." She complains, annoyance being her only expression. "Promise you won't tell anyone about this, especially Finn." Noah pleads while holding my hand. Gosh dang it, who could say no to those puppy eyes? C'mon! I let out a disappointed sigh, "I promise."

{End Of The Day At Millie's Condo}

"Okay I have my blankets, pillow, pajamas, Finn's hoodie, phone, brush, and toothbrush. I think that's it!" I list off to Paige in the living room. "What about your glasses?" Paige questions, letting a light bulb fling on in my brain. "Oh, right!" I say before running into my room and grabbing them off of my bedside. "Okay, now I have everything." I explain, while holding my sleepover duffel bag in one hand. "Alright, well text me later and be careful on your way there." She lectures before allowing me to leave the condo, only for me to meet up with Finn in the hallway. "Hey Millster." Finn says as he gives me a side hug. "Hey, you ready?" I ask, already starting my walk down to the lobby along side him. "Yeah, but more excited than anything. It's been a while since I've hung out with all of you apart from on set since all of the IT promotions." He explains before glancing at the hoodie I'm wearing countless times. "Is that..Is that mine?" He asks as he touches the fabric on my upper arm, sending a strange tingle throughout my skin. "Uh, yeah. Do you want it? I can give it back." I rant out, but he just smiles and shakes his head. "No, don't worry about it. It looks better on you anyway." Finn exclaims sweetly, a kind smile present as he speaks. "What ever you say, Finnie." I reply with a shrug, only making the smile on his face grow.

The rest of the walk through the building is quiet and yet peaceful in a way I can't quite describe. As we step outside a crisp wave of sharp coldness washes over my body, sending shivers through every bone. "Guess my hoodie isn't enough to keep you warm in the ol' Atlanta city." Finn teases in a horrible Southern accent. "Why, I guess I'm naturally cold blooded then, aren't I?" I shoot back, doing my own impersonation of Southerners which in my opinion is pretty spot on. He lets out a joyous giggle at my performance, his contagious laugh only making me join him. "See, you're actually good at impressions." He mentions, I just shrug. "I had you fooled with my American accent." I add with a proud smirk. Finn rolls his eyes even when a visible smile is shown. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever Brown." He replies jokingly. After our laughter dies down I suddenly get the feeling of deja-vu. "Is it just me or does this feel familiar?" I question while staring at the buildings around us. "Familiar? Like when we went to Caleb's the first week of shooting?" He suggests, I nod. "It's kinda funny, back then when you held my hand it was so.." I trail off, not really finding the right word. "Strange?" Finn suggests, finishing the sentence. "But in a good way." I add, he nods agreeing. "And to think, we thought things would be weird between us." He remarks, taking his hand out of his jacket pocket and wrapping his arm around my shoulders, giving me that same feeling to his touch.

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