Rillie Is Just Silly

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Millie's POV:

The following morning I wake up to Noah shaking me aggressively while repeating my name over and over until I feel like I'm going crazy and punch his leg. "Hey! What was that for?" Noah asked as I stood up from the armchair. "Good morning Noah." I say smiling, not really in the mood to give an excuse why I did it. I walk over to the kitchen where the others are sitting in the bar stools eating eggs Paige made us before going out to run errands. "Mornin' Millster." Caleb says as I grab a plate and join them. "Morning, today's the 5th right?" I ask before taking a bite. "Yep. We have the day off, Ross texted me earlier telling me to tell you." Gaten explained. I nodded leaving them to start a new conversation among themselves as I drifting into my own thoughts. Ugh, I still haven't gotten my dress or anything ready for the premier tomorrow. Have I even told Melanie about it? Oh no. Maybe she'll be able to help me or something, I'll have to text her and Paige. I scanned the area for my phone before realizing I had it in my back pocket, I pulled it out and decided to make a group chat.

Millster created a group chat: Premier Planning

-Millster added PaigeB and MG to the chat.

Millster: Guys I need your help. Plz.

PaigeB: Premier Planning? What premier?

MG: ^

Millster: So I forgot to tell you or ask you but Finn asked me to be his date to the IT premier that is actually... tomorrow.

MG: Millie!!

PaigeB: 1. AWWWW 2. Why didn't you tell us sooner!

Millster: I'm sorry, I forgot. Just please help me. :(

MG: I'll have to call your makeup artist and a security car. Paige you got the dress handled?

PaigeB: Already calling the store. We'll get this handled Mills, just have a nice day off.

Millster: Thank you guys so much. Bye <3

I threw my phone over to the couch and surprisingly it landed unharmed. I couldn't help but smile knowing I had the best people taking care of me as I finished up my eggs. "What's with the smile?" Sadie asks walking with me to the dishwasher. "Life." I reply laughing making her laugh too. "So what do you guys wanna do today?" Noah asks as we all head back to the living room. "Well first, I need to change. Then I guess we can go out on the town." I suggest, they all agree and grab their bags that hold all of their clean outfits for the day. As I wait for the others to take turns changing in the bathroom I decide to call Finn, even if he's still asleep, it's worth a shot.

Finn's POV:

"I'm on my way! Driving at 90 down those country lanes, singing to tiny dancer!" I hear some guy sing as I groan myself awake from my deep sleep. I grab my singing phone and answer the call without even checking the name, I'm too tired to check. "Hello?" I say my voice groggy and deep, as I sit up in the hotel bed with Jack laying on top of me. I nudge him back over to his side of the bed before hearing the all too familiar voice. "Morning Finn, just woke up?" She asks giggling. "Yeah, my morning voice sucks." I reply yawning. "We're going to go out since we have the day off. I'm guessing because we can't do much without you on set." Millie explains making me smile slightly as I run my hand through my tangled hair. "Cool, I'm not really sure what we're doing yet. I think I'm the first one to wake up. Um, Sophia is supposed to come hang out with us today so I guess that'll be fun." I reply shrugging and looking around the room at the other boys scattered across the room, all asleep except for me. "Hope so, for your sake. Anyway, if you wanna talk later just text me. Like I said, it's our day off so we won't be too busy." She explains half laughing.

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