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Millie's POV:

"Okay Millie for this scene remember all you need to do is cry and run your hands through your hair. Quiet on set! Ready aaand, Action!" Matt directs. I slide down Mike's basement wall and cry as I run my hands through my hair; this time no crying crystals were needed, all I needed to do for crying was play back in my head seeing Finn in the car, over, and over. "Cut! Great take Millie, that's all we need you for filming wise. The rest of your scenes need Finn so you're free to go." Matt says motioning his hand to the studio's exit. I look over at Paige to see if she's ready and she nods. I'm coming Finn, I promise. As we quickly stumble out the building and into the car all I can think about is Finn. "I'm sorry this happened Mills, before you know it this'll be a bad memory between you two." Paige states as she starts the car and drives out of the parking lot, headed towards the hospital. I should text him, maybe he'll be able to reply.

Milster: Finn? You there?
Milster: I know u probably don't have ur phone but I'm on my way. See u soon.

I click off my phone and begin to play with my ring nervously without realizing it. "Don't worry, we're almost there." Paige says noticing my fidgeting. As we pull up to the hospitals entrance Paige insists I go in while she parks the car and catches up with me afterwards, I agree. Once I step inside I immediately walk to the front desk, "Excuse me, can you please tell me where Finn Wolfhard's room is?" I ask. The young woman flinches at the sound of my voice and smiles, "Been expecting you Millie, he's in room 107. Finn's been asking to see you and the others but the Duffers said you guys were busy filming." I smile at her knowledge of Stranger Things and the cast. "ST fan I see, thank you so much. Bye!" I reply walking away from her desk and to the hospitals floor map. I run my finger over the list of numbers until I reach 100-147, 2nd Floor. I search around me for a staircase and finally spot one in the corner of my eye. Strutting up the stairs I realize: what I might see in Finn's room could be heart breaking, for all I know he could have broken something and we'd have to post-pone all the plans he has. As I reach his room I suddenly become nervous, I knock on the door. Once. Twice. Finally the door swings open, to my huge surprise its Finn standing in the doorway wearing a hospital gown. 

"Millie!" His face lights up as he sees mine and pulls me in for a hug. It's only when he releases me that I see the damage the crash had done; Finns arm is wrapped up in a white bandage with small splotches of blood seeping through and the end of his left eyebrow is stitched 3 times. Could've been a lot worse. "What happened to your arm?" I ask rubbing my thumb on his blood seeping bandage. He takes my hand from his bandage and leads me over to his hospital bed where I sit down in the chair next to it. He lets go of my hand and sits on the edge of his bed before rubbing his bandage himself, "It all just happened so fast, just kinda a blur now. Um about all I can remember is texting you in the passenger seat and hearing my dad swear before I got thrown side ways and I guess blocked myself from the glass with my arm." Finn explains. I nod my head, "I uh saw you.. unconscious.. in the car. There was so much blood, and glass, and smoke. In in the middle of it there you were." I say as a warm tear rolls down my cheek. He leans over and wipes it away making me smile at his touch, "Thanks." He just nods and touches his stitches with his index finger. "I'm sorry you saw me like that, how did you find me anyway?" Finn asks. "Well Ross told me about the crash and uh I kinda just ran off of set and to the site. As soon as I saw you, y'know, I freaked so Paige had to drag me away. It was a bloody mess!" I say laughing nervously. "Speak of the devil." He says looking behind him at Paige who just arrived. "Hey Finn. How're you feeling?" She asks coming over to us. Finn shrugs as a response and walks over to his bag on the other side of the room where he starts searching for something. "Did you guys kiss?" Paige asks now that Finn is out of earshot. "What? No!" I reply annoyed at her shipping of us. "Okay but we gotta head back to the studio in about 15 minutes, there's a meeting." Paige informs me as Finn walks back over carrying his phone. "What meeting?" He asks sitting back down in the edge of his bed. "A meeting about the up coming scenes, you're supposed to come with us if the doctors allow it." She replies as he opens his phone and smirks at his screen. "What's so funny?" I ask getting up and trying to see his screen. He blushes before slowly handing me his phone that has an Instagram post of Finn and I kissing fan art. I roll my eyes and hand it back to Finn, "Very amusing Wolfhard." I say sarcastically making him blush even more and grin. 

Finn's POV:

15 minutes fly by when I'm with Millie and soon enough Paige is asking the doctor if I'm allowed to go to the meeting. "Before he leaves we'll have to renew his bandage but other than that just have some pain killers around in case." Dr. Selmers informs Paige she just nods and signs some paperwork he gave her. "Finn are you ready to put on a new bandage? The cuts might sting because of the sudden exposition to oxygen." He says walking over to me and holding my wrist up so he can inspect the bandage. "I'm ready." I reply. He searches around for the end of the bandage and when he finally finds it he starts to unravel the cloth from my wounded forearm. As soon as the bandage is completely off intense stinging overcomes my wounds; I try not to squirm or show any sign of pain but my emotions get the best of me. "Gah! Okay.." I wince in pain and start rocking while Dr. Selmers holds my wrist firmly. "Yeah..ugh, that stings. A lot." I say slowing my breathing and wincing every time my forearm moves in the air. I can see Millie in the corner of my eye biting her lip as if she's experiencing the pain herself. Dr. Selmers grabs a new roll of cloth and starts to wrap my forearm with it, I can't help but wince every time the cuts touch the fabric. After what feels like forever he finally finishes wrapping it with cloth and sends us on our way. 

{At The Meeting W/ Finn, Millie, & The Duffer Bros}

Matt's POV:

"So basically we asked you to to come here to.. discuss some scenes you two share." I explain, they both look intrigued. Okay, it's easy. Just spit it out and we'll see what happens. God.. what if they say no? What will we do? "Okay?" Finn says wanting us to proceed. "Well um, might as well just say it..." Ross suggests looking over to me; he wants me to ask them. "We.. want you two to, y'know as your characters, make..out." I tell them. Both of their faces turn bright pink or in Finn's case, the darkest shade of red. Finn clears his throat and rests his elbows on the table, "Um.. so why did we need to have a meeting about this?" He asks. "Well because we've already asked too much from you guys romantically wise, especially you Millie with your first kiss." Ross explains, she just shrugs. "Like last time, we want to make sure you guys are comfortable and are okay with doing this. I mean if you aren't feeling up to it we can by any means rewrite the scene or just cut it completely. It's up to you guys." Ross explains, perfectly, in my opinion. They look at each other, then back to us. Please say yes, please say yes. "Could we talk about it.. alone? Just for a bit." Millie asks in her incredible British accent. Ross and I nod as we leave the trailer and step into the parking lot. "Don't worry Matt, they're Fillie. They'll say yes....hopefully." He says putting his hand on my shoulder. I nod while biting my nails. Hopefully.

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