Finn Jr.

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{Quick Explanation: The premier was in Toronto so Millie had to fly there. Both Finn and Millie need to go back to shoot obviously so yeah.. that's it. Enjoy!}

Millie's POV:

"Millie, Finn, do you guys have everything ready?" Paige shouts from the hotel's connected room. "Just a second Paige!" I shout back. I close my final zipper on my suitcase and throw on my leather bag, while holding my suitcase's handle. On the other bed is Finn's suitcase, it lays there open as Finn runs around the room looking for his phone. "Finn, I can just use the Find My iPhone app." I explain as I walk over to his suitcase and zip it shut. "Uh yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." He replies, grabbing his duffel bag and suitcase. Soon after I turn on the sound from the app we hear a loud ringing from Finn's back pocket. He reaches into it and sure enough, it was there the whole time. "Wow, I guess I am totally oblivious." Finn says as he stares at his phone, dumbfounded. "Oh my gosh, can you guys move any faster?" Paige complains as she trudges into the room. I smirk at her impatience, "Yeah, lets go."

As Finn and I hop in the back seats of Paige's car we throw our luggage in the back and wait for Paige to finish up with the hotel paperwork-sign-out-thing. "Did you like it?" Finn asks abruptly as I click in my seat belt. "Like what?" I question, my eyebrows furrowed. "The premier, and y'know.." He replies, rubbing the back of his neck as he blushes. "I loved the premier, and you were incredible as Richie. Remind me what y'know is?" I suggest making him laugh shyly as his cheeks growing a darker shade of red. "It's nothing, never mind." Finn replies, his eyes show a spark of disappointment. I rest my hand on his shoulder to make him face me again, "Finn, you can tell me." I say with a smile. "Did you lie the miss." He mumbles under his breath as he stares out the window. I sigh knowing he won't ask me what he wanted to. "Fine.. I'll let it go. For now." I say taking my hand from his shoulder and pushing him gently, putting a smile on his face. Our conversation ends when Paige opens the driver seat's car and jumps in.

During the drive I end up just staring at Finn almost the whole time. He's wearing his favorite Toronto Raptor's flat bill, black framed glasses that I didn't even know existed until today, a white and black striped shirt, and of course, his complimentary green bomber jacket. It's in this moment that I regret ever saying he looked unattractive in glasses, because he 100% looks incredible in them. Note To Self: Take a snapchat of him so you can forever remember what he looks like with glasses on; Yes, I know it's weird. When I pull myself back to reality I'm still staring at Finn, yet this time he has his phone out and is FaceTiming someone. "Yeah, I know about him. How could I not when the picture was everywhere yesterday!" Finn exclaims, a hint of annoyance in his tone. "Finnlard I practically had to save Millie from Romeo after they hugged, I never had a good feeling about him the whole time he was there." I hear a familiar voice reply back to Finn. I lean over to look at Finn's screen to reveal Caleb sitting in the school trailer while twirling a pencil in his hand. 

"Oh hey Millie, done staring are ya?" Finn teases even though he's the one blushing. I roll my eyes playfully, "You just happened to be in my line of vision at the time that I spaced out." I explain shrugging innocently. "Oh really? Then did I just happen to be in your line of kissing last night?" Finn questions, both Caleb and Paige start bursting out with laughter; Caleb is thankfully lagging on the other end. "Finn!" I scold while blushing profusely. I never blush! What has he done to me?  "What? Was I not supposed to tell them about you kissing me twice last night, or about the crowd chanting our ship name?" He asks while smirking, his eyes never leaving mine. Paige can barely breath making me scared we'll crash if Finn keeps talking, and Caleb.. well he's out of the camera's view but his laughter is very much present. "Or what about-" I shut Finn up by pressing my lips onto his. He immediately kisses back and drops his phone in the process, he cups my cheek with his now free hand, probably never wanting it to stop. "Not in the car!" Paige yells, I feel Finn smile on my lips before I pull away. "You done now?" I ask, he has a smile stretching from ear-to-ear as he stares at me in awe. "For sure." Finn replies. I bite my bottom lip to keep myself from smiling as he leans down to retrieve his phone from the car's floor. "Did you guys do what I think you did?" Caleb asks excitedly. "Uh sorry Caleb, gotta go. Bye." Finn replies quickly before ending the FaceTime call. "Thanks Finnie." I say as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. "No Mills, thank you." Finn replies with a smirk. "Sly, Finn, sly." I add making him laugh.

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