Bye Bye Man

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Finn's POV:

The rest of the day on set was normal; filled with scenes, lines, and hanging out with the most incredible, talented, and inspiring people I know....who can also be annoying at times. When I mentioned the 'date' to the guys they totally blew their shit, I mean Gaten and Noah were jumping up and down. Mental.

{At Finn's Condo That Night}

"Finn are you sure about going to movie theater? I mean it's pretty public." Dad mentions as I shift my hat on backwards. "Dad, we'll be fine. I promise." I say. He settles down after I promise him and heads to his room. "Bye Dad!" I call out as I shut the door to get Millie from her condo next door. I knock on door once before I hear, "Coming!" In a British accent, but not Millie's. As the door swings open it reveals Paige in sweatpants, with no makeup on, standing in the doorway. "Oh, hey Finn!" She says enthusiastically. "Hey Paige." I reply smiling, "Right, um Millie is just finishing up her.. makeup, or hair, or something. Come on in." Paige insists motioning towards the dark, black couch in the living room that's visible from the doorway. I walk inside and thud onto the couch while looking around the familiar room. Minutes pass of talking with Paige before I finally hear the familiar British voice, "Hey Finn, sorry I took a while." She says as she walks into the living room. "It's fine, you ready to go?" I ask standing from the couch. "I think so." Millie replies nervously; she hates scary movies. I smirk at the thought of Millie's unique squeal and how jumpy she is. "Let's go then, the movie starts in 20 minutes." I inform her as we walk out of the condo and say our goodbyes to Paige. We then begin walking towards the lobby, taking the staircase. "Do you think I'll scream? I mean, I hear it's terrifying." Millie asks as we climb down five flights. "Definitely." I reply laughing, making her punch my shoulder while smiling too.

As we walk into the frigid Atlanta air I pull on my hoodie and Millie does the same while we head towards the direction of the movie theater. "Finnie?" She asks resting her hand on my shoulder. I look over at her, she's facing forward with a curious look on her face. "Yeah Mills?" I reply staring forward again. "Do you ever wish we could have the lives that we do but.. be allowed in public? Without all the paparazzi or shipping or all of that." Millie asks, her voice filled with curiosity and wonder. I feel her eyes shift onto me and she realizes she still has her hand on my shoulder so she immediately pulls her hand down. "Mostly, yeah." I reply. "Mostly?" She repeats grinning. I roll my eyes while smiling, "Don't get me wrong, I love the public. But I mean, the shipping is pretty important to the fans." I explain, by this time shes laughing while clapping unevenly. "Yeah yeah, we've been over the importance of the shipping." She says mocking my voice making herself giggle. "It's true!" I reply making her giggle even more. As we walk she's still giggling and I can't take my eyes off of her, all I can hear is her ecstatic laugh. "God your laugh is incredible." I say aloud without meaning to. She stops laughing but is still smiling, "What?" Millie asks catching my gaze. I feel my face get warmer as she stares back at me. "Uh.. I mean um.." I stutter out while nervously laughing and rubbing my neck. "Thanks." She answers, cutting off my nervousness and allowing me to feel normal again. I smile relieved and face forward again, the theater is just across the street.

"Two tickets for Bye Bye Man please." I say as Millie and I strut up to the ticket box. The worker nods and types the ticket request into a cash register, "That'll be $13.17." He replies. I pay for the tickets and he hands them to me through the small hole in the glass. "Thank you!" Millie shouts at the man as we walk away making me laugh. "You didn't have to pay for me Finn." She reminds me as we walk into one of the many movie rooms. "I know, let's just try to pick some seats where we won't be recognized easily." I reply scouting out the rows upon rows of seats. "Up there?" Millie suggests posting to the top row, I nod while following her up the stairs.

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