Somebody's In Love

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{Date is Sept. 3rd/Day After Last Chapter} 

-Btw sorry for weird time stuff XD

Millie's POV:

I'm staring out into Atlanta from Paige's car window as we head back to our condo building after a long day of shooting. Tonight is my date with Finn, probably the last one until the IT Premier since Finn will be hanging out with his friends from IT for a couple of days. I can't help but feel like I'll miss him even if it's just for 2 days that I won't see him. I've always been like that though, with everyone in the cast. Always missing them until the next time I see them, why is it always "next time"? Regardless, I'm happy he'll get to hang out with them before the premier. To be honest I'm quite nervous about it just because everyone will believe with everything in their hearts that Fillie is real.... is it? Finn and I have been on only one date, this'll be our second. Does that mean we're dating? I'll have to talk to Finn about it, he'll know. Right? I guess I'm excited too, for everyone to know about our strange relationship. It'll be fine.. we'll be fine.

"Millie, we're here." Paige announces, pulling me from my thoughts. I grab my leather bag and phone before hopping out of the car, Paige close behind. "So, what are you guys going to do tonight?" Paige asks as we walk through the empty lobby. I look at the front desk expecting to see the familiar middle-aged woman behind the computer typing away, but even she is absent. Huh, weird. I look back at Paige to answer her question, "Um.. Not really sure. I think we're just gonna hang out somewhere, Finn is usually the one with a plan." I reply smiling at the thought of Finn actually planning something of his own. "Just to be sure, you're fine with the paparazzi taking pictures of you two together- in public." She mentions raising an eyebrow. I slowly rock my head left to right as if I'm debating, "Some what. Not quite sure about the whole thing." I reply. Paige responds with an understanding nod as we shuffle into the elevator.

{15 Mins Later/When Millie's Ready}

I walk over to my mirror and stare at the finished product that is me. I tried to pick an outfit that's not too fancy at all but casual to the point you can tell I care, at least I think it is. Like I said, I tried. I snatch my leather bag from my bed, my phone inside it, and head to the living room to wait for Finn to arrive. "Hey Paige, whatcha watching?" I ask falling onto the couch next to her. "Intruders." She replies not taking her eyes off the TV but smirking slightly. I furrow my eyebrows, "Why? I wasn't even that good, at all." I add as a younger version of me walks into view and takes a public phone from a woman, before trying to break the phone. I face palm while Paige laughs excitedly. "Oh god. Just stop." I say aloud. "Oh come on, you were great! I mean you killed a cat.. sure, but still!" Paige announces, I roll my eyes. "At least in ST Eleven actually had enough heart not to kill a poor cat." I mumble under my breath, Paige still heard me though and shrugged. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!  "Finnie!" I announce as I practically jump from the couch, sprinting to the door. I hear laughter behind me, "Somebody's in love." Paige comments making me roll my eyes. Am I in love? I wouldn't know, never loved anyone besides my family of course. I unlock the door and swing it open to reveal Finn wearing his classic green bomber jacket. Without any control I jump over to Finn and embrace him making him stagger back but accept it almost immediately, for some odd reason I can't help but smile ear to ear. "Are you okay Finn?" Paige asks coming to the doorway. He smiles and shrugs, "Yeah, but is Millie okay?" He asks playfully as he releases me from his arms. I punch his shoulder making him flinch but not enough to wipe the smile from his face. 

"You'll have to find out; be back by 9:45 okay?" Paige instructs both of us. "Yep, got it, bye. Love ya." I blurt out quickly while walking away. Paige says goodbye to Finn as he jogs to catch up with me. "What was that about?" He asks looking at me as we walk. "What?" I ask knowing completely what he was talking about. "You're usually not that excited to see me unless we haven't seen each other for a while." Finn explains making me smile sheepishly. "Well you know how I get when I don't get to see people from the cast for awhile. I guess it'll just be weird not seeing you on set everyday, even if its just for 2 days. Don't get me wrong though, have fun with your friends." I explain putting my hand in his forearm, and dropping it to my side immediately after. Finn shrugs, "Yeah I know what you mean. Shooting IT while you and the other guys got to go to interviews did make me feel a little jealous, that you guys got to have that time together. I mean, yeah, the IT guys are incredibly amazing and I love them but still." He explains as we go through the lobby and outside, the sky at dusk. People are still walking around and without our depended on hoodies we're naked to the public eye. 

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