Sure Thing

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Millie's POV:

It's crazy, you know? It's crazy to think that today is the last day I will be on set for Season 2. Of course, there will be more seasons to come but none like this. With everything that happened with Finn behind the scenes this season, it'll be a hard one to forget shooting. As I finish tying my pitch black chucks, I can't help but feel both excited and extremely sad for my last day. "Millie, you almost ready?" Paige asks as she stands in my bedroom doorway. "Yeah, I just need to grab my bag." I reply while standing from my knee and grabbing my black, leather bag from my bed. "Okay, we should probably head out now if we want to drive through Starbucks." She mentions, I nod as a small smile forms across my lips. I follow Paige to the elevator and through the lobby until finally arriving at our car in the back parking lot. "Starbucks, here we come!" I announce while waiting for Paige to start the car as she giggles. Once the car revs up I immediately blast the radio like I do every morning, music is one of the key ingredients to making everyday fantastic. As I unknowingly zone out, still humming to the current song playing, I can't help but think about everything that is happening. Two days from now is when we will actually leave Atlanta and go back to California for the summer. In those two days we might have to do some voice recordings for whatever the Duffers need it for, or really anything the Duffers need from us recording wise. We'll also have to start packing our bags again, of course we do in fact own these condos but it's not like we're going to live in them as our home, as there are many condos to each building which means neighbors.

I wait excitedly as Paige pulls up to the Starbucks drive-thru and turns down the music so she can order. "Hi, can we get two caramel frappuccinos with extra whip cream?" Paige asks though it sounds like a statement as she orders. "Yep, is that all?" A young woman's voice says through the magical box of ordering. "That's it!" She replies happily before the woman says some random number as Paige pulls up to the paying window. After Paige paid the woman we pulled up to yet another window and finally received our frappuccinos. "Nothing beats this in the morning." I mentions, Paige just hums in agreement. The rest of the ride to the studio was filled with music pumping from the radio and Paige and I banging our heads to the drums, taking sips from our drinks occasionally. As we park in a free spot right outside the studio I suddenly feel an overwhelming feeling of anxiety overcome me, a certain feeling I haven't felt for ages. "You okay, Mills? You look a little pale." Paige questions with caring tone as we sit in the dead silent car. "Y-Yeah, I'm sure it's just last day jitters or something." I answer while shrugging casually, opening the car door and jumping out immediately after. 

Once we enter the studio after a short walk from Paige's car, I instantly get greeted by Noah and Sadie. "Millster!" They shout in unison while running over to hug me to form a three-person group hug. "Hey guys, last day of shooting, huh?" I mention with disbelief, they both just shake their heads with the same expression of disbelief. "Completely mental, but we still have two more days after this!" Noah adds while holding up two fingers. "Yeah, good thing we had that sleepover a couple days ago." Sadie exclaims with a happy sigh. "Oh, and you had your fair share of Gadie time that night, didn't you Sads?" I question while smirking and wiggling my eyebrows as Noah does the same. A bright shade of red coats Sadie's cheeks as she stares at us with an ear-to-ear smile spread across her face. "Maybe.." She mutters to herself, letting Noah and I go into a fit of giggles while shaking her hands in ours. "Cut it out, guys! Shh! He might be around!" Sadie whisper-yells through gritted teeth, forcing Noah and I to only smile excitedly. "Why did this have to happen when we won't be there to see it?" I complain before a pair of arms hug me from behind. "Why did what have to happen?" A familiar, kind voice asks as their chin rests upon my head. "Gadie." I reply smugly as I unknowingly smile at the sound of Finn's voice. "Oh rea-" He says before getting cut off by Sadie, "Enough about that Gadie crap, can we take a second to admire the adorable ship that is Fillie?" She explains while looking at Noah and gesturing her arms towards us. 

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