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Millie's POV:

"Does that lucky someone happen to be in this room?" Finn asks politely while scanning my room. "Actually, yes he does." I explain, making his eyes widen with pleasure as a small smile forms on his lips. "He? So it's a guy, interesting." He says while standing from my bed. "You were hoping I'd be thinking about myself? I'm not sure if you've met me Wolfhard, but I'm not very self surrounded." I explain while shrugging as he comes closer to me. "Oh I know, Ms. Humble." He teases. I allow him to keep coming closer to me as I take steps backwards until my back reaches my bedroom wall. As Finn makes the space between us smaller and smaller I put my hand on his chest, and the other wrapped around his neck. "When did you become so bold?" I question as he pulls me closer by my waist. "When I met you." Finn replies softly as he leans in slowly. The second our lips meet a sudden jolt rushes through my entire body that I haven't felt in what seems like forever. Together our lips move to a steady rhythm, feeling like they were two puzzle pieces finally put into one. I reluctantly pull away and rest my forehead on Finn's chest, realizing how tall he really is compared to me. Abruptly, I feel a light tingle on my neck followed by the sound of a lips kissing it. I lift my forehead from his chest and tighten my grip around his neck. "Finn.." I whisper out, half wanting him to stop and the other.. the opposite. I tug on his hair as I feel his teeth touch my neck as he kisses one part of my neck passionately.

Is he trying to give me a hickey?  My eyes widen at the thought as I tug his hair a little harder than before, "Finn." I repeat. This time he pecks my neck one more time before releasing me from his grasp. "Sorry, carried away?" He asks nervously while rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks coated with a dark shade of red. "Just hope you didn't mark me." I reply with a shy smile as I touch the spot on my neck with my fingertips. Finn's eyes widen as he turns me so he can inspect my neck, surely enough he rubs exactly where I did. "Shit." He mutters to himself while rubbing it. "What? Is it noticeable?" I question with a panicked tone. Finn shrugs innocently, "I mean.. maybe a little." He says in a high-pitched voice. I rush over to my full body mirror and turn my neck just so I can be revealed to a small, dark purple and navy blue circle on the side of my neck. Finn stands behind me with a guilty yet amused look on his face. I let out a quiet gasp before smacking his chest behind me, making him chuckle. "Finn! Seriously, now everyone will know you idiot!" I scold while running my hands through my hair as I sit down at the edge of my bed. "Mills, calm down. No one but the other four know about our breakup so they'll just think it's normal." He explains calmly while sitting down next to me.

"Speaking of which.. I think I'm done being single now." I complain while looking up at him, his expression shows everything he is feeling in a matter of milliseconds. "M-Me?" Finn asks curiously, making me roll my eyes at his obliviousness. "No Finn, I want to be with Romeo- Of course it's you!" I say sarcastically, the second part truthfully. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Okay good. Um, well in that case.." He says while moving from the edge of the bed to the ground and on one knee. "I'm too young to marry Finn." I mention quickly with my hands up in surrender. He laughs, "No no, it's not that. Millie I was wondering.. or hoping I guess, that you would possibly give me the honor of once again being the Millie Bobby Brown's boyfriend." He questions, waiting patiently for an answer with a small smile formed on his lips. I rub my chin to show him I'm 'thinking' before finally telling him the first answer that immediately popped in my mind. "Gladly, Finnie." I say with a smile on my face as he mirrors the same expression while standing from the ground. "Second times the charm?" He suggests while cupping my face in his soft yet cold hands. "Let's not make it a third." I reply while standing so my lips meet his for a few seconds before pulling away, a smile on both our faces.

Finn glances behind him and to my door before looking back at me, "Should we tell Paige?" He asks curiously. I shake my head quickly, "No, I'll handle that after you leave." I explain while sitting back down in my bed, this time criss-crossed. "About that, how do I leave without her noticing?" Finn mentions, making my thoughts wander. He's right, to get to the balcony you have to go through the living room and kitchen, same with the front door. "Uh.. Not quite sure, just yet." I reply while thinking of other possibilities. "Okay. Let me know when you are sure." He says while sitting down in my desk chair. "Wait! I've got it. Okay so I'll ask her to take me to Starbucks, she'll hopefully say yes like usual, and then while we're gone you simply walk out and go next door to your condo." I explain, along with various hand movements. Finn slowly nods in agreement, "Sounds good, we should probably put that plan into action soon because we have to go on set in like... 45 minutes." He says while checking his phone's lock screen. I sigh, "Okay. So I guess we'll tell the others we're back together once we're both at the studio?" I suggest, he nods. I leave my bed and open the door to leave before turning my head around and blowing Finn a kiss, just like I do after a panel or any public speaking really. Finn smirks while giggling to himself as he sways in my swivel desk chair, shyly waving back.

I close my bedroom door behind me just like I would on any other day. "Morning Paige." I announce with a cheerful tone as I enter the kitchen where she's eating cereal. "Mornin." Paige replies before stuffing another spoonful in her mouth. "After your done eating, could we get Starbucks?" I ask hopefully while raising my eyebrows. "Sure, are you gonna come with or is it an 'assister' errand?" Paige questions with a smirk, making me laugh.  "No, no. I'll come with you." I reply, not really wanting to say goodbye to Finn for the second time, since they always happen to be so drawn out. "Great, well I'm finished." She exclaims while dropping her bowl and spoon into the sink. "Yay! Starbucks, here I come." I remark with a snap as I head to the front door. "Correction, here we come." She mentions, grabbing her keys from the counter. "Right, yeah." I add while starting our walk down to the lobby, Paige close behind. "You and Starbucks are like Eleven and Eggos, both unhealthily obsessed." Paige admits while shaking her head. I laugh and nod my head enthusiastically, knowing the analogy is 100% accurate and true. Or  I guess Mike and Eleven could be like Finn and I, both unhealthily in love.

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