Chapter 69 - The Return

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I had promised myself that I wasn't going to cry.

Rhett held my left hand, Link held my right, carrying my bag over his other shoulder. I was wearing a baggy t-shirt and leggings, not looking to get changed once I got inside.

The hospital building was huge and menacing, it's towering figure looking over us threateningly. Rhett squeezed my hand comfortingly. "Are you ready Super-Cooper?"

Ready for what? For treatment? For death? To never leave this place again? I took a shaky breath and shook my head. I wasn't ready for any of it.

The automatic glass doors slid open, revealing the reception. Rhett went and spoke to the receptionist, before Dr Anderson came out.

I had a different room this time, but my bed was back. One of the nurses clipped a hospital bracelet onto my wrist, cutting off the excess. I took a deep breath and fidgeted with it uncertainly.

Greene, Cooper. Stage IV Brain Cancer. Room 293.

Link put my bag down on the chair next to the bed, before walking over to the window. "Garden view. Very nice."

"Mmmm." I murmured, kicking my shoes off. I got to enjoy the delights of watching children play and do things that I would never be able to do again.

"Do you want me to put your posters up?" Rhett asked.

I shrugged slightly and sat down on the edge of the bed, the familiar creeping feeling coming back to me. I adjusted my beanie slightly, my newly-shaved head feeling a bit itchy.

Rhett started putting my posters up on the walls, and Link sat down next to me, pulling me into a hug. I felt like crying. But I didn't. I had promised myself that I wasn't going to cry.

Eventually, a nurse walked back in and announced it was time. I put my ugg boots back on, and Rhett and Link took my hands as we walked down the familiar corridors to the chemotherapy unit.

They gave me a lollipop, and Rhett winced slightly and when they put the needle in my neck. I blinked my tears away. I wasn't going to cry today.

We watched a couple of movies, and by the time it was done, the chemotherapy bag was empty, and I had it flowing through my veins. I was already feeling quite dizzy and was almost falling asleep.

"Do you wanna walk back or do you want me to get a wheelchair?" Rhett asked me, taking my hand.

"I-I wanna walk." I murmured, pulling myself up. It was the last time I'd ever get to do it before my strength was gone, so I needed to do this for myself. Rhett nodded and took my hand, Link taking the other one.

By the time we got back to the hospital room, I was exausted. I crawled into the bed and Link tucked me in.

"Sleep well Super-Cooper."

"W-Window..." I murmured sleepily, pointing to the blinds. "C-Close."

Rhett nodded and closed them, making the room much darker.

I fell asleep almost immediately.

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