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Darkness was the only thing she could see. She couldn't move a single limb in her body, but she could feel herself breathe, she could feel everything around her. Physically, you would think Riley was asleep, her breathing calm and even, her dark brown hair cascading around her, which would occasionally be brushed by a kind nurse. But mentally, she was alert, she could hear everything going on around her and that scared her. Riley could hear the steady beeping of a heart monitor, and she could especially feel everything that happened to her, but she couldn't do anything about it, there was no reaction, no twitch, no form of movement.


"Ya gotta wake up" a familiar voice said "ya can't leave me"

I'm asleep?

Riley felt movement next to her, a slightly calloused hand softly moving hair away from her face, knowing the touch was so familiar to her, along with the voice she had grown up with.

"Been two damn years without ya" he continued "been too long since ya've spoken, since I heard yer voice, yer laugh. Since I've seen ya smile"

That voice.

Who is that?

"Riley Marie Jansen, ya better wake the hell up" he ordered softly "I miss ya. Merle misses ya. Please, wake up"


Riley's breath hitched in her throat as her eyes opened slightly, the light instantly blinding her, causing her to quickly close them. A groan escaped past her lips, followed by a scratchy cough from her dry throat, and because it was so dry, she felt as if she couldn't breathe. A sterilized scent filled her nose, causing her to slowly open her eyes once more, wanting them to get used to the harsh brightness of the light. A white ceiling came into her line of vision as soon her eyes focused, another dry cough escaping her as she turned her head, seeing a vase of dried out sunflowers. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, slowly lifting her hand, feeling the heaviness of her limb from the lack of use, reaching out as best as she could, feeling the dryness of the petals, hearing the crackling sound as pieces fell to the small white nightstand next to her.


Looking around, Riley noted that she was a hospital room, harsh white walls surrounding her with an equally white ceiling, which would cause any other person to squint their eyes slightly and dim the lights. The clock on the wall is what caught her attention, her eyebrows furrowing slightly once more, not heading the usual tick nor tock that would come from it.

Dead batteries?

Letting out a small huff, Riley weakly grasped the railing of the hospital bed, pulling herself up as best as she could, a light grunt emitting from her, feeling her muscles strain at the sudden use. A groan followed as she managed to pull herself up in a slight sitting position, reaching out as quick as she could and throwing the blankets off of her, her breathing already heavy, but she wasn't one to give up so easily. Riley used the same hand to grasp one of her legs, picking it up as best as she could, which only lifted up centimeters from the bed, slowly swinging it over the side. She did the same with the other, pushing herself upward in a proper sitting position, her free hand grasping the edge of the bed as she closed her eyes, her head lowering as she tried to catch her breath.

She blew a lock of hair away from her face, picking up her head and looking at the heart monitor next to her, shaking her head slightly. Riley knew it wouldn't be sturdy enough to support her near dead weight completely, especially if it was on wheels, but she had no other choice, she needed to try. Grasping the cold, silver shaft of the heart monitor, she pulled it closer to her, quickly transferring it to her left hand, which had been grasping the edge of the bed, her hold tightening on the rod, her right hand moving back to the rail of the bed. She let out a slow breath, as if she was mentally preparing herself, maybe even encouraging herself to get up, holding on as right as she could as she slid off the bed.

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now