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Riley pulled herself up, nearly rolling over the edge of the small cliff, turning around and reaching out, helping Daryl up as well, both of us standing as he yelled to the sky. Shaking her head slightly, Riley began to walk in the direction of the farm, Daryl soon falling in step with his best friend. A sniffle emitted from her as she looked down at the floor, Daryl's hand suddenly lacing with her as his other dragged his crossbow, a limp more prominent as he walked.

"Keep yer eyes open, Riles" Daryl muttered

The two of them continued to walk through the woods, no words being said, he would occasionally squeeze her hand, blood around his mouth and walkers ears around his neck. After a little while, they walked into the clearing of the farm, a small sigh emitting from her as they slowly walked the field. Rick, Shane, T and Glenn ran up to them, not really knowing who they were with their guns raised,

"Is that Daryl and Riley?" Glenn asked

"'Bout time ya point that gun at my head" Daryl grumbled "ya gonna pull the trigger or what?"

A gunshot rang through the air, Daryl fell to the floor, pulling Riley down with him

"No!" She shouted

"No! . . . No!" Rick shouted

"I was just kidding" Daryl grumbled before blacking out

"C'mon" Shane said

He and Rick helped Daryl to his feet, carrying / dragging him back to the farm as Riley got to her feet, ignoring the others who were trying to help her up, glaring at Andrea who had fear on her face as she ran over to them,

"Oh my god!" she shouted "is he dead?"

"You just grazed him" Rick informed

Riley's fist connected with her left cheek, causing her to stumble back as she continued to advance, her fist connecting with her cheek once more.

"This is how ya repay me!?" She shouted, shoving her back, her drawl coming out more clear "I save yer life! This is how ya repay me?! By shootin' my best friend?! The only person I actually care about?! The only one I got left?!" a pair of arms wrapped around her, causing Riley to stomp on their toe, shoving them back as well, "if he died it'd be yer head I come after" backing her up against the RV, adrenaline and anger rushing through her

"That's enough" Lori said, placing a hand in her shoulder and pulling her back slightly, causing Riley to jerk away from her touch

"How'd you feel if she shot the only one you had left?" She asked her, "accident or not?" then turning back to Andrea, getting in her face "you shoot 'em again . . . Ya best pray I'm dead"

Riley backed up from her, the fear in her eyes causing satisfaction to flow through her as she shoved past the others, heading into the house and into the room where Daryl was, seeing Hershel stitching up his side.

"Any idea as to what happened to my horse?" he asked

"One that almost killed us?" Daryl countered "if it was smart it left the country"

"We call that one Nelly" he replied "as in Nervous Nelly, I'd have told you if you asked"

"Can you take a look at Riley after you treat Daryl?" Rick asked, "she's pretty banged up too"

"Hey," T said to Riley, pointing to her belt, her adrenaline slowly starting to wear off "isn't that Sophia's?"

"Found it on the creek bed" Daryl replied, then looked at her "you good?"

As soon as he asked that, the adrenaline wore off completely, pain filling her head, causing a grimace to emit from her, clutching her head as she lowered it slightly, as if it would ease the pain, but her eyes simply rolled to the back of her head. Rick caught Riley just as she was about to hit the floor, picking her up, T removed her bow and quiver, setting her on the bed next to Daryl. Hershel walked over to her, checking her pulse before doing the same with her eyes.

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now