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"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

Their words slowly faded in her mind as she saw a familiar face, her hands slowly clenching into fists at the blonde woman somewhat hidden in the crowd, who had tried to approach, only to be stopped by the Governor,

"Let me go" Andrea said "let me go!"

"You can't go" the Governor replied

"Let me go, Phillip" she replied

"Stay out of this" he ordered

"They're my friends!" She snapped

"It's not up to me anymore" he replied calmly, looking at Merle "I asked you where your loyalties lie. You said here. Well, prove it. Prove it to us all! Brother against brother. Then kill her" pointing at Riley "winner goes free. Fight to the death"

"Phillip, please" Andrea begged "don't do this"

"Let's go Merle!" A man shouted

"Come on Merle!"

"Yeah, Merle!"


"Y'all know me!" Merle shouted, raising his right hand/stump in the air "I'm gonna do whatever I got to do to prove my loyalty to this town"

Out of nowhere, Merle threw a swing set Daryl with his left hand, hitting him in the cheek, Riley was frozen in her spot, not believing that Merle would actually do something like this. But then again, Merle was always an asshole. The people of Woodbury were cheering him on, Riley couldn't help but look around at all of them once more, and she figured out that they didn't know their precious Governor had been holding Glenn and Maggie.

"You really think this asshole's gonna let you go?" Daryl asked from the floor, as Merle was on top of him

"Just follow my lead, little brother" Merle replied "we're getting out of this right now. The three of us"

"Phillip no, stop this!" Andrea shouted

A smoke bomb was thrown in the center of the crowd, a few more following, which caused the people to scream in panic. Riley acted quick, running over to the woman that had her bow, throwing a punch to her jaw and taking it back along with her quiver, arms wrapping around her, trying to pull her back and she knew it wasn't anyone she knew. Jamming her elbow into his stomach, he let go, doubling over, which allowed Riley to turn around throw her foot up, breaking his nose and knocking him flat on his back, noticing he had my knife.

"Daryl!" Rick shouted "Riley!"

Riley took her knife and sheath back, making sure she had her crap before running to Daryl, seeing that he was knocking out some big guy that had his crossbow. He grabbed her wrist as soon as he saw her,

"Merle, come on!" Daryl shouted

"Let's go!" Merle replied

Merle actually began to lead them away from where they were, the people frantically running around and screaming, shots ringing through the air as they ran,

"They're all at the arena" Merle said "this way"

"You're not going anywhere with us" Rick said

"You really want to do this now?" He asked

He kicked a piece of metal in the wall, then again until it broke free, leaving an opening big enough for us to get through. With Daryl's hand still in hers, they ran away from Woodbury, making sure there were no walkers in sight and killing those who were. Her breathing was slightly heavy, finally coming to a stop when they were a good ways away from Woodbury, looking behind them to see if anyone was following, luckily they were in the clear in this situation, for once. Softly squeezing Daryl's hand, Riley released it and strapped her quiver of arrows back around her shoulders, making sure it was secure enough before working on her knife, which still acted like a belt. She buckled it in place in the belt loops on her jeans, stopping for a brief moment to strap the knife to her right thigh.

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now