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"Let me see the baby" Hershel said

"Rick?" Riley asked, cupping his face in her hands, trying to get him to look at at her "you with me, Rick?"

"We have to feed it" Beth commented

"We got anything a baby can eat?" Glenn asked

"The good news is, she looks healthy" Hershel said, looking at the newborn "but she needs formula, and soon, or she won't survive"

"No. No way" Daryl said "not her. We ain't loosing nobody else. I'm going for a run"

"I'll come too" Riley said, moving from Rick "I'll back you up"

"Okay, think where we're going" he said "Beth" causing the girl to look at him "kid just lost his mom, his dad ain't doing so hot . . ."

"I'll look out for him" Beth replied with a nod

"C'mon, we're gonna lose light" Daryl said, looking at Riley

"There's a Piggly Wiggly on 85" Glenn said

"Not there, the baby section's been cleared" Riley replied "Lori asked me to keep a eye out, no luck"

"Is there any place that hasn't been completely looted?" Maggie asked

"There were signs for a shopping center just north of here" Glenn said

"Yeah, but there's too much debris out on the road" Riley replied "a car will never get through there"

"You ready?" Daryl asked

"As I'll ever be" she replied with a nod

"Be safe out there" Maggie said "especially after what happened today"

Giving her a nod, Riley put her bow over her shoulders, getting on behind Daryl and wrapping her arms around his waist, allowing him to rev the engine, Glenn opened the gate, her hold tightening on the redneck as they rode out, the gates closing quickly after, a small sigh emitting from her nose, closing her eyes and shaking her head slightly. A tear escaped her eye, placing her head on Daryl's back, which caused him to remove a hand from the handles and place it on her knee, softly squeezing, silently telling her that everything was going to be okay, and she didn't know if she believed him, especially now.

Riley's knew Rick killed Thomas and she got why Andrew did what he did, but because of that, they had lost good people. T was good people, he watched out for everyone even when they didn't need it, which is something they won't really be able to find in other people these days. Lori was just a pain in Riley's ass, but she knew what it was like to lose a mother like Carl had done, but she still thought she was a pain in the ass. But she knew Carol was alive, she became a fighter after the farm and there's no doubt she's not dead or a walker, she knew that for sure.

A small sigh emitted from her nose, opening her eyes, seeing that they were in some place new . . ish, some old day care, Daryl slowing the bike down, allowing her to get off and walk over to the closed gate, looking around in the process for any form of threat. Opening the gate, Riley walked back over to Daryl and got back in the bike, which allowed him to continue to ride to the entrance, getting off as soon as it was shut off, a small sigh emitting from her nose as she adjusted the bag on her shoulder, also considering on strapping her quiver to her other thigh, but not to sure.

With Daryl in front of her, Riley's back was to him, bow at the ready in case any walkers decided to show themselves, glancing behind her as she heard glass shatter, knowing he was unlocking the door from the inside. He raised his crossbow, slowly walking inside, which caused her to do the same,

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