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Hershel said Riley shouldn't be on her feet for a few days, same with Daryl, he failed to realize that Riley could be more stubborn than that redneck, so of course she didn't really listen. Walking from the house, Riley froze when she stood behind the RV, hearing Dale and Glenn's hushed voices.

"If you have something to say then say it" Dale whispered, causing Riley to place her back against the RV so they didn't see her

". . . There's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant" Glenn replied in a whisper

Riley's heart stopped at those words, quietly pushing herself off the RV wall and headed over to the barn without anyone seeing her. Riley's hands began to shake out of nervousness, she peaked through the crack of the barn's door, placing one of her hands over her mouth when she saw the walkers wandering around within the space of the barn. Shaking her head, she took a step back, looking at the barn, her free hand suddenly tightening on her bow. Tuning around, Riley headed over to their shared tent, which was moved a little ways away from the group, wanting their space from the others. Her breathing had gotten heavy, Andrea walked out of the tent, her face forming into fear when she saw her. She walked away, back to the others and Riley went inside the tent, sitting down on her cot and running a hand through her hair.

"Riles?" Daryl asked, "Riles wha's wrong?" earning no answer from her "Riley Marie Jansen-"

"There's walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant" Riley said, "I just found out not even five minutes ago, I heard Dale and Glenn talking by the RV and I checked the barn myself, and there walkers inside. And what have I told you about using my full name?"

"That's what always gets ya to spill" he replied with a small shrug "how many?"

"I don' know" she replied, shaking her head slightly "I couldn't get an exact number but I'm guesstimating fifteen, maybe twenty, maybe more. Daryl, the group don't know"

"Ya think China-mans gonna tell 'em?" he asked

"Of course he is" she replied, moving all of her hair over her left shoulder "I may not have known him long, but he don't really look the type ta keep a secret like that, let alone play poker"

"So what ya plannin' ta do?" he asked

"It's not my place" she answered "I can't confront them, they'll just beg me not to tell anyone, let alone you. They don' seem to git the fact we've known each other since we were kids"

She laid down on the cot, looking at the ceiling of the tent and letting out a small huff of air, a yawn soon following, causing her to close her eyes, a small groan emitting from her,

"Head?" Daryl asked, earning a small nod "git some sleep then. I'll be 'ere"

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she moved closer to him, laying her head on his left arm while his right wrapped around her waist, knowing he would keep his word. Like he always did. Daryl watched as she slept, knowing it may have been a little creepy, but he just couldn't help it, believing Riley to be the true definition of beautiful. All the other women from where they were from wore at too much makeup sometimes very little clothing. But Riley? She dressed how she liked and that's what Daryl loved about her. A sigh emitted from his nose as he looked at her, the stitches on her forehead making his heart clench whenever he looked at them, constantly reminding him that he couldn't protect her.

He had always hated whenever she got hurt, its not something he could easily process. But she's there, with him, alive, and that's all that mattered. His brother, Merle, never understood why the two of them were so close, but once he left, the beatings with their old man became more frequent. When that were to happen, Daryl and Riley would stay at their old cabin, lucky for them, it was always stocked with food and everything they needed and it was somewhat close to the school. Close enough for walking distance, but they normally left early to wander around in the woods.

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