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Walking out of C Block, Riley ran a hand through her hair, feeling the small bandage on the left side of her forehead that was protecting the three stitches Nathan had to put in, they wouldn't be taken out for another few days and they've already been in for a week. It's weird how Riley got a head wound in the same spot as the one she got when they were looking for Sophia, but she didn't need as many stitches as last time, which was a good thing in het opinion.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Glenn asked

Riley stopped walking, her gaze slowly turning to the Korean, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him,

"Shouldn't you be with yer wife?" Riley countered

"I'm not with her 24/7 like you are with Daryl" he shot back, a smirk forming on his lips

He yelped, jumping back and standing up from the table as an arrow pierced the spot right next to him, an innocent smile forming on Riley's lips as he looked at her like she just grew two heads, slowly backing away as she walked up to him,

"I've been cleared two days ago" she informed, yanking her arrow out of the bench "this is day three"

Putting her arrow in the quiver, Riley turned around and headed over to where Daryl had been, which was fixing his bike. Since she was injured, the Council agreed to ground her until she was cleared, but they also knew that grounding her also meant grounding Daryl. However, they were fine on meats and other foods because Riley played it smart on our run to the Big Spot, when they had a full cart, two people would go out and load the contents in the trunks of the cars, so they were covered for a little while. He refused to go anywhere without Riley, and when she was resting in their cell, he would either stay with her or check in every ten minutes, the women thought it was cute, but she thought he was just being Daryl.

"Riley" Nathan said

She stopped in her tracks, letting out a slow huff of air as she turned around, facing him,

"Yes?" She asked, looking at him

"I've been meaning to ask you. . ." He trailed off, nervously rubbing the back of his head "what happened to dad?" looking at her "when this started, the first place I went to was the house but . . everything was covered in dust. Like no one's been there in years"

". . . That's because no one has been there in years" Riley replied "he died before the turn. Since I was close to eighteen, Merle and Daryl took me in. I've lived with them since then, got a job . . We made it work"

"In that old house?" He asked, looking at her in confusion

"Yeah" she nodded "like I said, we made it work. Merle took their dads room, Daryl took Merle's room and I took Daryl's room"

"How did it happen?" He asked "dad's death?"

". . . Self-defense" she replied softly

His eyes widened, it was almost as if he was looking at his sister like she was a completely different person, causing Riley to turn around, continuing to make her way towards Daryl, who hadn't heard her approach.

"Nice ass, Dixon" Riley said, leaning against the side of his bike

"Yers is better" he replied without looking up

A chuckle emitted from her, shaking her head slightly as he looked up, an amused smirk on his lips,

"How ya feeling?" He asked

"Headache's gone" she answered "when yer done with that, what do you say we go on a hunt?"

"Think yer up for it?" He asked

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now