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Drawing an arrow back, Riley let it fly into the body of a squirrel, walking up to it and yanking it out of the trunk of the tree, cleaning off the arrow and tying the squirrel to a rope around her shoulders. She walked off in the direction of the group, who had been held up in a house somewhere, arriving in no time and looking around, seeing everyone packing up because of the oncoming walkers. Breaking off into a run, Riley tossed the squirrels into an open window of the cars and jumped on the back of Daryl's bike just as he pulled up in front of her. The two of them were the first to head out, followed by the other two cars that had the others, away from the walkers slowly advancing.

As you can see, they're been on the road for a while, Daryl and Riley haven't really come out to the others about their new found relationship, and the group looked as if they have no clue on what's going on between them. Because of that, both of them were normally affectionate when they were alone, both being a little uncomfortable with PDA. Rick and Lori had become a little distant, Carl is growing up, Glenn and Maggie are obviously together, Hershel is almost looking like Santa, Carol is becoming a fighter, Beth is slowly getting there and T has become protective of all of them. To say everything has been hectic is an understatement.

Lori looked as if she's ready to pop at any day now, and with all of the constant moving around, Riley knew it wasn't good for the baby, as much as she didn't like her, Lori needed to rest more than a few minutes. Riley softly squeezed Daryl's waist, causing him to remove one of his hands from the handle bars of the bike, placing it over hers and rubbing the birthmark on the back of her hand that was in between her thumb and index finger, which was actually a similar shape to a crescent moon. They had managed to get a good distance away from the walkers, soon stopping in the middle of the road and getting off the bike. Seeing Rick look out for walkers,

"Fifteen, you're on point" he said to Carl, the rest of them looking at a map on the hood of one of the cars

"We've got no place left to go" T said

"When the herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off" Maggie pointed out

"What do you say, its about one fifty head?" Daryl asked

"That was last week" Glenn said "could be twice that now"

"This river could've delayed them" Hershel said, pointing to a river on the map "if we move fast, we might have a shot to move right through them"

"Yeah, but if this group joins with this one, they could spill out that way" T pointed out

"So we're blocked" Riley said, letting out a small sigh through her nose

"Only thing to do is double back at twenty seventh and swing towards Greenville" Rick replied

"We picked through that already" Riley responded, "it's like we've spent the whole winter going in circles"

"Yeah, I know" he muttered "I know. At Newman, we'll push west. Haven't been through that area. We can't keep going house to house," looking at Lori, who was in the car "we need to find a place to hold up for a few weeks"

"Alright," T said "is it cool of we get to the creek before we head out?" looking at Rick "it won't take long, we gotta fill up on water, we can boil it later"

"Knock yourself out" he replied

T gave him a nod, walking off into the woods, in the direction of the creek bed,

"She can't take much more of this moving about" Herschel said to Rick, looking at Lori, who was seated in the passenger seat

"Well, what else can we do?" Rick asked "let her give birth on the run?"

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now