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A small sigh emitted from Riley's nose as she buckled the sheath to her bowie knife through her belt loops, making sure it was secure before doing the same with her thigh, moving her right leg around to make sure it was comfortable enough in case she needed to run. She rubbed the back of her neck with her hand, yesterday had been a long day which consisted of moving all types of walker bodies and burning them, making sure the gates were secure enough to where they felt a little bit safe, then a service for those were lost, which drained most of them almost completely.

With Rick currently out of commission, Glenn, Daryl and Riley had taken up the role of leader, making sure everything was running smoothly, and pretty soon, they'd be going out on runs, Daryl and Riley on hunts, they needed to start bringing more food in as soon as possible, especially with a new baby. Sitting down on the bed, Riley put her boots on, zipping them and lacing them up, the sound of footsteps coming up the metal stairs filling her ears, resting her arms on her knees, turning her gaze to the door. Glenn knocked on the side, poking his head through,

"Breakfast is ready" he informed, "kinda figured I'd tell you since you missed dinner last night. Daryl said to let you sleep in a bit longer" earning a nod from her

Getting up from the bed as he walked off, Riley put hey quiver of arrows around her shoulders, grabbing her bow and walking out of the cell, tucking her sugar skull in her shirt as she walked down the stairs. Another small sigh emitting from her nose, giving Maggie a small smile as she handed her a bowl of meat and baked beans it looked like, walking over to where Daryl was sitting, who shifted his legs to make room, allowing Riley to sit down in between them. The group noticed how close the two of them had become, especially with what happened the other day, they didn't really say anything about it yet, and they were fine with it as long as they didn't bring it up.

Leaning against Daryl's leg, a small sigh emitted from her nose, pushing the meat around in the bowl before taking a bite. The sound of one of the doors opening filled the air, causing everyone attention to turn to the entrance of the tombs, seeing a cleaned up Rick walk in with the baby in his arms,

"Everybody okay?" He asked

"Yeah, we are" Glenn replied

"Are you?" Riley asked

"I cleared out the boiler block" he replied, handing the baby to Beth

"How many were there?" Glenn asked

"I don't know" he replied "a dozen, two dozen. I have to get back, just wanted to check on Carl"

"Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies" he said,

"You don't have to" Riley added

"No, I do" Rick replied "everybody got a gun and a knife?"

"Yeah" she replied "we're running low on ammo, though"

"Maggie and I were planning on making a run this afternoon" Glenn said "found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula"

"We cleared out the generator room" she added "Axel's there trying to fix it in case of a possible emergency. We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well"

"Good" Rick replied with a nod "good" heading back in

"Rick" Glenn said

He didn't listen, ignoring Glenn as he headed back into the tombs, a small sigh emitting from Riley's nose as she continued to eat, and in a little bit, they would be going to roam the halls to try to look for Carol's body, even though Riley had a strong feeling that she wasn't dead. Finishing her food a few minutes later, Riley gave the bowl to Maggie, removing the bow from around her shoulders and leaning it against her leg, taking the small hunting knife from her boot and picking the dirt from her nails, which needed to be filed down soon.

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