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"After you saved me . ." Carol trailed off "we thought you were dead"

"Hershel, my God" a familiar voice said

Riley rewrapped her hand as she walked out to the tables, instantly making her way over to Daryl, who helped her finish up, slowly clenching her hand into a fist, a small grunt emitting from her. It was still tender, but Hershel said to keep it wrapped up to protect the cuts from the possible sweat and dirt that could get inside, giving her a few gauze wraps just in case, knowing she wouldn't waste them. Nathan's jaw was bruised, but he could handle it.

"Where's Shane?" Andrea asked "and Lori?"

Looking up, Riley saw a familiar blonde standing in front of them, her eyes connecting with the brunettes as she removed her bow from around her shoulders, then looking at Nathan, who was standing by a corner next to Glenn, who had been making sure to keep him away from her. After she explained everything to Rick about what happened with her father, he knew where she was coming from, why she didn't want Nathan anywhere near her because of the anger she felt whenever she looked at him. There was honestly no telling what she would do if they were alone in the same room. Knowing Riley, she would probably do the same thing she did to Merle. But there was a thought that popped into her head, if that did happen, she didn't know if there would be anyone to stop her.

"She had a girl" Rick said "Lori didn't survive. Neither did T-Dog"

"I'm so sorry" Andrea said "Carl. Rick, I - You all live here?"

Upon hearing his name, Carl walked over and stood next to Riley, Andrea looking between then for a moment. The kid had grown attached to her after what happened with Lori, she didn't mind that, Rick didn't mind that either, knowing that his son would need a mother figure in this world now, but she did have to talk to Carl, telling him that she could never replace his mother, but he could always come to her when he needed it. All he had to do was look for Daryl, and if he found him, Riley would always be close by. Sure, Carl was upset when they came back, he was mad at her because she left with Daryl and Merle, but he was smart for his age, understanding that those two were her family long before the apocalypse. He also made a point, he was part of her family, along with Rick, Judith and everyone else that they knew.

"Here and the cell block" Rick answered

"There?" She asked, pointing to the entrance "well, can I go in?" beginning to walk

"I won't allow that" he replied, stepping in front of her

"I'm not an enemy, Rick" she said

"We had that field and courtyard" Riley spoke up, gaining her attention

"Your boyfriend tore down the fence with a truck and shot us up" Daryl added

"He said you fired first" she replied

"Well, he's lying" Riley said bluntly

"He killed an inmate who survived in here" Rick said "we liked him. He was one of us"

"I didn't know anything about that" she replied "as soon as I found out, I came. I didn't even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot-out"

"That was days ago" Nathan said

"You don't get a say in this" Glenn snapped lowly, turning his head slightly in his direction

Nathan looked down at the floor, knowing where he stands in the group, which is basically lower than Merle because Riley had Rick's ear more than what the others do. It was obvious that Andrea knew who Nathan was, but she didn't know that he was Riley's brother, she didn't really care if anyone knew, right now he was nothing to her and he knew that. Glenn overhead bits and pieces of what Riley had explained to Rick, so he had taken it upon himself to be Nathan's babysitter, if she walked into a room and she stayed there, Glenn would lead Nathan out. Riley saw the look in Nathan's eye whenever he did, it almost looked like utter devastation, knowing that she wouldn't forgive him. But in all honesty, with the world they lived in now, that might change with time. That's all they had. Riley's didn't know if she could forgive him for leaving her with their father all those years ago, with time, she wss sure she would be able to tolerate being in the same room with him.

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now