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Riley's hands were shaking as she packed their things, after the service for Dale, Rick and Hershel announced that everyone will be moving into the house, none of them wanting to take the chance against any other possible walkers. Zipping up Daryl's bag, Riley finished with hers and did the same, grabbing both bags and walking out of the tent, Daryl standing from his spot on the log and walking in front of her. He softly gripped her chin, leading her gaze to his, his eyes softening when his saw hers, wiping a tear away from her cheek that she didn't know had fallen. Riley could slowly feel her body calm when she looked at him, her breathing hitching slightly as he unexpectedly pulled her into his chest, the bags dropping from her hands at the sudden movement as his arms tightened around her. Softly placing her head on his chest, her arms slowly wrapped around him in return, a small sigh emitting from her,

"Yer gonna be okay" Daryl said lowly "we're gonna make it"

Nodding against his chest, both of them slowly pulled away from one another, her gaze low as a small huff emitted from him, grabbing the fallen bags as Daryl began to dismantle the tent, packing it up as well, the two of them making their way to the house.

"You can set your things in the corner" Maggie said, "that hasn't been claimed yet" causing me to nod "and my dad wants to see you about those stitches" earning another nod

Riley set the bags in the corner of the living room, finding Hershel, who was in the room her and Daryl had been in when they were looking for Sophia, giving him a nod as he gave her a kind smile. He ended up taking her stitches out, surprised that she hadn't flinched or made a sound, giving him another nod as she walked out of the house where Daryl and Rick were talking on the porch.

"It'll be tight" Rick said as Hershel walked out "fourteen people in one house"

"Don't worry about that" Hershel replied "with the swamps hardening and the creek drying up. . ."

"With fifty head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing the damn dinner bell" Maggie pipped in

"She's right" Hershel added "we should've moved you in a while ago"

"Alright" Rick said, gathering the group "let's move the vehicles near each of the doors, facing out toward the road. We'll build a lookout in the windmill, another in the barn loft. That should give us sightlines of both sides of the property. T, you take the perimeter around the house. Keep track of everyone coming and going"

"What about standing guard?" Riley asked

"I need you and Daryl on double duty" he answered, earning a nod from her

"I'll stock the basement with food and water" Maggie said "enough that we can all survive there a few days if need be"

"What about patrols?" Glenn asked

"Lets get this area locked down first" Rick answered "after that, Shane'll assign shifts while me, Daryl and Riley take Randall off-site and cut him loose"

"We're back to that now?" Lori asked

"Right plan the first time 'round" Riley muttered "poor execution"

"Andrea" Rick said as she walked by, gaining her attention "when I'm out with Daryl and Riley, help Hershel keep an eye on things around here"

"Me?" She asked

"Shane's got a way of letting things get out of hand" he replied "especially when he's all torqued up"

"You want me to babysit Shane" she stated

"I need to make sure every time I leave the farm all hell doesn't break loose" he countered

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