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"You know," Rick began "what you two did for me, for my baby, while I was . . . working things out -- thank you"

"It's not a problem, Rick" Riley replied "you'd do it if were any one of us. You know that"

"It's what we do" Daryl added

"Rick" Oscar said, pointing ahead

"Down" Rick ordered "get in formation, no gunfire"

They all got low at the sound of a walkers groans, a slow breath emitting from her nose as she removed the knife from it's sheath, holding it close to her for her own assurance,

"There's too many" Riley said, looking at Rick

"This way" he said

Following his lead, the small group began to make their way around the small herd of walkers, knowing they were in a bit of a hurry, the others, except Daryl, tried not to make any noise. None of them are that good at being silent on their feet. There was a small shack like house a few feet from them, Rick must have seen the same thing, which caused him to head in that direction,

"Through there, come on" Rick said

They entered the shack, the first thing that Riley noticed was the smell, the kind that made her scrunch up her nose slightly but not enough to where it would cause her to gag. Oscar tried to silently shut the door, but it made a loud squeak,

"That smell" Oscar said "it's loud"

Looking around, Riley slid her knife back in the sheath, covering her nose with the back of her hand, Daryl coming up next to her with his crossbow pointed to the ground. Riley removed her bow from her shoulders, getting an arrow ready for any possible threats, Rick lifting up a blanket, only to back up a few steps as the smell got worse, even though Daryl and Riley are kind of used to smelling dead animals, it still doesn't make it any less pleasant.

"What the hell is that?" Oscar asked

"It's got to be a fox" Riley replied, her nose scrunching up slightly "or what's left of one"

"I guess Lassie went home" Daryl commented causing a small smirk to form on her lips

A sudden movement caused her smirk to drop, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as she looked in the direction of what looked like a bed, a noticeable lump on top of it, causing her to slowly draw an arrow back. Rick ripped the blanket off the bed, which revealed a man holding a double barreled shotgun, pointing in their direction,

"Who the hell are you?" The man asked

"We don't mean any harm" Rick replied, holding up his hands, as if he were surrendering

"Get outta my house!" The man ordered

"Okay, okay" Rick replied "we will. But we can't right now"

"Now!" He shouted

"Shut him up!" Michonne whispered

"Get out right now!" The man shouted

"There are walkers outside" Rick tried to reason

"I'll call the cops!" He threatened

"I am a cop" Rick said "now I need you to lower your gun. Don't do anything rash, everything's fine. Let's just-- let's just take this nice and slow, okay?"

"Show me your badge" he said

"Alright" he replied with a nod "it's in my pocket. It's in my pocket. Now, I'm just reach down nice and slow" his hand slowly making it's way to his pocket, clearly lying to the man

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now