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There was no luck finding Sophia, Carol looked as if she was going to break at any given moment, Riley sitting on the roof of a car, everyone else gathered around it.

"The only people carrying are Shane, Dale, Daryl, Riley and me" Rick said, handing Riley a gun

"Why her?" Andrea asked

"'Cause I know how to use it" Riley mumbled, causing Daryl to smirk slightly

"She's staying with Dale and T" Rick said, "extra manpower, especially with T's arm"

"We don't need anyone popping off rounds every time a bush rustles" Shane said, resting his shotgun on his shoulder "attracting walkers from miles around"

"It's not the bushes I'm worried about" she retorted

Daryl helped Riley off the car, leaning her against it as the group walked to the railing,

"Keep yer knife close" he said lowly "keep yer gun on you and keep her bow in hand"

"Careful when you need to be . . ." Riley said softly

"Reckless when you wanna be" he finished

"Damn straight" she nodded "ya best be safe out there"

"Same goes fer ya" he replied lowly

"Found some trendy pink water" Dale said "and a guitar Glenn might like. You find anything?"

"Ibuprofen" T replied, "and these . ." briefly holding up a pack of cigarettes "what are we doing?"

"Pulling supplies together" Dale replied, shrugging slightly

"No, what are we doing?" T asked "looking for a girl who's most likely gone, two good ole' boy cowboys and a redneck who's pissed at me because I dropped the key"

"Need not forget, that redneck saved your ass" Dale argued "more than once"

"Lets just go" he replied "lets just . . . just take the RV"

". . . Oh, my god, you're burning up" Dale said "give me that. We need to knock that fever down  . . Don't forget about the other redneck we have in our group now . . . One that happens to be close to Daryl, so I'd be careful of what you say"

"The hell can she do?" T muttered "she can barely walk on her own"

"She saved Carl and Sophia's life when that heard rolled by" Dale argued "I saw the arrow, she waited for the perfect opening"

A gunshot rang through the air, causing Riley to jerk up slightly, putting her knife sharpener in her bag and sheathing the knife. She grasped her bow, making sure she had her gun tucked in her pants before standing up, notching an arrow into place. Just in case.

The sun slowly began to fade off in the distance, a scream filling Riley's ears, causing her to draw her arrow back and aim towards the woods, breathing in, slowly letting it out. Minutes passed by, Riley drew the arrow back as far as possible before releasing it, watching as it disappeared into the trees. A few more minutes flew by, Carol, Andrea, Glenn and Daryl emerging from the trees, causing Riley to lower her arms,

"Carl was shot" Glenn said

"Shot?" Riley asked

"What do you mean shot?" Dale asked

"All I know is some girl rode like Zorro on a hose and took Lori" Glenn said breathlessly

"And you let her?" Dale asked, looking at Daryl

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