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"Its just a slight sprain" Hershel said as he looked at her ankle

Riley was sat on the floor of the highway, leaning back against a car and letting out a small sigh, Hershel was checking out her ankle with everyone else gathered around them, hearing them let out sighs of relief.

"You're gonna have to stay off this for a little while" he said, wrapping her ankle in an ace bandage "but knowing you, that won't happen" putting her sock and boot back on "but it'll heal either way"

"Just when I got back on my feet" she muttered

Daryl held out a hand, causing her to grasp it, allowing him to pull her up, throwing her arm over his shoulders as he helped her to the bike. She let out a sigh as he sat her down, everyone gathering,

"We need to keep moving" Rick said, "there could be more of them coming"

Daryl put our bags in the back of the car, Rick, Lori, Carl, Glenn and Maggie getting in one car, Hershel, Beth, T and Carol getting in another, leaving Daryl and Riley on the bike. She may have forgotten to mention someone, it feels like she did, but oh well. Daryl and Riley were ahead of the group, her arms wrapped securely around his middle, his crossbow, along with her bow and quiver around her shoulders, with her hair flowing behind her. A sniffle emitted from her, softly pressing her left cheek to his back, closing her eyes, letting out a small breath when she felt his hand on her outer thigh, silently telling her that everything was going to be okay.

Riley knew she could've lost him for good when that herd showed up, she didn't know if he had made it out or not, and that scared the hell out of her, not knowing if he was alive. When she had managed to calm her breathing down, Daryl put her vest back on her, a small smile on her lips as she looked at him, the others being occupied as they gathered some supplies. He cupped her cheek in his hand, causing her to close her eyes and lean into his touch, the bike slowing down bringing her from her thoughts, causing her to quickly wipe her eyes in case any tears had fallen.

"You out?" T asked

"Running on fumes" Rick replied

"We can't stay here" Carol said, looking around

"We can't all fit in one car neither" Riley said, getting off the bike with Daryl's help

"We'll make a run for more gas in the morning" Rick replied

"Spend the night here?" Lori asked

"I'm freezing" Carl said

At this, Riley pushed off the rail Daryl had leaned her against, limping her way to the car that had her bags and opening the trunk, grabbing her bag and digging through it. Finding a small blanket his size, she zipped the bag up, and closed the trunk, limping her way back and playfully tossing the blanket on his head, smirking as she leaned back against the railing once more. Lori gave her a small smile, silently thanking her, earning a nod in return,

"We'll build a fire, yeah?" Rick replied, then looking to T "you go out and look for firewood, stay close"

"We only have so many arrows" Daryl added "how you doing on ammo?"

"Not enough" Rick replied

"We can't just sit here with our asses hanging out" Maggie said

"Watch your mouth" Hershel told her sternly

"Everyone stop panicking and listen to Rick" Lori demanded, causing them to look at said man

"All right" he began "we'll set up a perimeter. In the morning, we'll find gas and some supplies" looking at them, "we'll keep pushing on"

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now