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The prisoners and some of the group were walking through the tombs of the prison, an arrow was notched into place of Riley's bow and Daryl had his crossbow aimed in front of him, all of us trying to clear out a cellblock for the prisoners to possibly live in. They were walking slowly in order to see of walkers would arrive, her left ear twitching slightly at the noise of an upcoming walker,

"Its coming!" Axel exclaimed in fear

"Shut up!" Riley shouted in a whisper

Two walkers arrived, but before Rick, T, Daryl and Riley could do anything, the prisoners ran toward the walkers, causing her to lower her bow completely, watching as they screamed and attacked the walker, aiming everywhere else except for the head. Rick gave Riley a small nudge, causing her to look at him, jerking his head slightly to the walkers which caused a smirk to form on her lips as she drew the arrow back, aiming toward a walker and letting out a slow breath. Letting her arrow fly, Riley watched as it pierced the head of one of the walkers, causing it to fall to the floor, grabbing another arrow and repeating the process.

The inmates moved away, looking at her arrows in confusion, which caused her to roll her eyes and walk over to them, yanking the arrows out of the walkers skulls and cleaning the blood off with the clothes of the walker. She looked at the prisoners, walking up to Axel who backed up against the wall, flinching when she tapped his forehead with the feathers of my arrows

"What part of headshot escapes yer understanding?" Riley asked with annoyance, putting an arrow back in her quiver and walking back over to the others "if we don't get them their own block soon . . . arrows will fly"

"Its gotta be the brain!" Daryl exclaimed to the prisoners, almost as if he were scolding them shooting an upcoming walker in the head "not the stomach, not the heart, the brain!"

Another walker arrived, Oscar ran up to it, jamming his machete in its head, causing it to fall dead,

"Like that?" He asked, earning a nod from Riley

Axel and Rick killed two more walkers,

"Stay in tight formation" Rick ordered "none of that prison riot crap"

More walkers slowly begin to come through the tombs, Riley saw everyone fight, except for Big T, who looked as if he was afraid, Rick stabbed one of the walkers that was heading toward him, but Riley was concentrated on killing walkers in front of her, letting five arrows fly before they all went down. She grabbed one of her arrows, cleaning it off and doing the same with the other three, Daryl holding out her fifth arrow, causing her to reach out and take it from him, her fingers brushing against his. The two of them lingered behind Rick, only then did Riley notice that Big T had been scratched on his shoulder blade by a walker. Her hand lingered on the hilt of her knife as she looked at the deep scratch, taking a step back when he turned to them,

"I can still fight" he said, looking at them "I don't feel anything, its just a scratch!"

"I'm sorry man. . ." Rick trailed off

"I can keep fighting!" He exclaimed, desperation beginning to fill his voice

"You cut that old guys leg off to save his life" Andrew pointed out

"Look where that bite is!" Rick replied

"This would mean cutting off his whole shoulder" Riley pointed out "if he don't die from the infection, he'll die from blood loss"

"Guys, I'm fine" Big T said "I'm fine, just . . . I'm fine. Look, look at me, I'm not turning into one of those things"

"There's gotta be something we can do" Oscar said "we could just lock him up!"

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now