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There were many things to fear in the world they lived in now.

The dead.

Even the living.

But for Riley, she was scared to go to sleep, not knowing if she would wake up again. However, in that moment, she was glad she woke up, because waking up in her best friends arms, meant that she was alive and safe. The only sound she heard was Daryl's soft snores, Riley waking up in the same position she had fallen asleep in, with his left arm under her head with his right wrapped around her waist. A small smile forming on Riley's lips as she looked at him, thankful that she had found him, grateful that he was alive. She knew he would be, no one was actually able to kill a Dixon except for a Dixon, especially with how stubborn they could be, but they meant well. At least Daryl did. He was more in the shadow of his brother, but he had a better temperament than Merle, both of them equally protective of Riley.

Riley slowly made her way out of Daryl's embrace, scooting to the foot of the bed, her feet making contact with with the floor, her hands rubbing the top of her thighs, a slow breath emitting from her lips. She pushed herself up, slowly making her way over to the bathroom, where she had seen a new toothbrush, turning on the light and shutting the door, leaving it open a crack, looking at herself in the mirror, running a hand through her hair. Turning on the tap, she cupped her hands under the water, splashing her face, snaking her head at the cold water, quickly brushing her teeth and going to the bathroom afterward. Running a hand through her hair once more, Riley walked out of the bathroom, seeing Daryl already sitting up on the bed, looking at her for a moment as she sat down.

He soon got up, walking over to the bathroom, leaving the door cracked open just as she had done, letting Riley get dressed in the same clothes she had worn the day before. As she laced up her boots, Daryl walked out, getting dressed as well, Riley putting on her belt and strapping the bottom of the sheath to her lower right thigh, moving her leg to Makenzie it was comfortable.

Daryl and Riley made their way to the kitchen, a smirk forming on her lips as she looked at a hungover Korean, chuckling as she shook her head slightly in amusement.

"Coffee?" Dale asked as Riley sat down in a chair

"Please" she replied

"I got it" Daryl muttered to him

"Eggs, powdered but I do 'em good" T-Dog said, putting a plate of food in front of Riley "protein helps the hangover"

"So does really greasy food" Riley smirked 

Daryl came back with two cups of coffee, sitting next to Riley as he placed one of the mugs down in front of her,

"I ever mention how much I love ya?" Riley asked, grasping the cup and bringing the rim to her lips

"Once 'er twice" he replied with a smirk

"Are you hung over?" Carl asked, looking at Rick "mom said you'd be"

"Mom is right" Rick said tiredly

"Yeah, mom has that annoying habit" Lori said with a smirk

"What the hell happened to you?" T-Dog asked Shane, causing Riley to look at him "your neck"

Three scratches lay on his neck, causing Shane to rub them softly,

"Must've done it in my sleep" Shane replied

"You've never done that before" Rick said

"Yeah" he replied "not like me at all" his gaze moving to Lori, who looked down at her plate

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now