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A small fire was crackling in the night, embers floating up into the sky, surrounding their small clearing as Riley sat near it, Merle snoring away as he slept on the other side of the fire, making sure he wasn't in arms reach because she still wanted to beat the shit out of him. Daryl on the other hand, was sitting right next to her, looking into the fire, he didn't stop her from hitting his brother, he knew she needed to let out the anger. But something was still nagging at her,

". . I thought I saw him" Riley said softly, knowing Merle wasn't going to wake up any time soon "in Woodbury, I mean"

Daryl knew who she was talking about, knowing she hadn't spoken to or about him since she was a kid, but he still knew. He turned his head slightly, looking at her, not saying a word, hell, she knew he didn't know what to say, a small sigh emitting from her nose as she looked down at her hands. The knuckles on her right hand were a bit cut up from punching Merle in the face, shaking her head slightly and tucking some hair behind her ear. Clenching her hand into a fist, closing her eyes at the small sting that came from her knuckles, letting out a slow breath through her nose, shaking her hand out. It wasn't broken or sprained, it was just going to be bruised for a little while, like the bruise on her shoulder blade was beginning to fade as well.

Riley was used to bruises and broken bones, so this was actually nothing compared to what she felt when she was a kid, the scars she carried tell everyone what she had gone through, but they'd still ask all kinds of questions.

"What . .  what happened that day?" Riley asked hesitantly, her gaze still to her hand, but knowing he was listening "some of it's a little blank"

". . What do you remember?" He asked lowly

"I pulled a double at the bar" she said, mentally going back to that day "Jerry was out sick and . . Sall needed an extra hand and he said he'd pay double and he did. . . Merle picked me up and . . I was too tired to notice that he was drunk. . ."

". . . He was high too" Daryl replied, causing Riley to look at him "he didn' look when he was doing down the crossroad. A black pickup slammed on your side, broke your arm, ribs, punctured a lung, gave you a concussion. Doctors didn't know when you'd wake up. Said you'd do that on your own" his gaze meeting mine ". . I was pissed. Beat the shit outta Merle, visited you every chance I got. I tried like hell to get you out of there, Riles. Didn't want you to wake up to all this . . I was hopin' you didn't wake up"

"I'm here now, Dare" she said softly "I ain't goin' no where"

Daryl gave her a small nod, a small sigh emitting from her as she placed her head on his shoulder, not going to sleep, but needing a small amount of touch from him. Now that she was in this world, Riley knew that Daryl would make sure nothing happened to her, and now that they were together, she was going to stay by his side till the end of all of this. Daryl wrapped an arm around her shoulders, gently pulling her closer to his side, hearing a small sigh emit from his nose as she looked back at the dancing flames of the fire in front of them, their source of warmth for the night. They would pack up what they had and continue on in the morning, but she still couldn't help but think of the fact that they made the biggest mistake of their lives. Merle may have been the one that put her in a coma, but he's still family, even if it's not by blood.

At that thought, Riley knew for sure they made a mistake, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as another small sigh emitted from her.

Family don't end in blood.

Riley's bag was strapped to her shoulders, arrows across her back as well with that strap across her chest, the bag out of the way of her quiver so she could have easy access if needed. Daryl was next to her, his crossbow aimed to the floor but always on guard, Merle was walking in front of them, and she didn't know how many times she rolled my eyes this morning, and Daryl knew she was starting to get on her last nerve with his brother.

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now