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"Hey, Riley!" Glenn called out as she walked out of the tent

She looked up as she shrugged on her black angel winged vest, watching as Glenn walked up to her,

"We found this when we went into town to get Hershel" he said, lifting up an all black recurve "figured you'd need a better one" holding it out to her "the rest of us don't know how to shoot one and Daryl uses a crossbow so . . . we thought you'd like this better than your other one"

Riley looked down at the bow, hesitantly lifting her hand to take it, but grasping it nonetheless, giving him a slightly confused look, only to earn a small smile

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Riley looked down at the bow, hesitantly lifting her hand to take it, but grasping it nonetheless, giving him a slightly confused look, only to earn a small smile. He turned and walked away before she could say anything, causing her to look back down at the recurve in her hand. It was much bigger than her original one, but it would use the same arrows, if she stood it straight from the floor, the other end of the bow reached a spot directly in between her hip and lower ribs. Walking in the tent, she grabbed her quiver and walked back out, making her way to a certain distance from the wall and notching an arrow into place of the bow. Drawing the arrow back to get a feel of the drawback, it was a little more stronger than the other one but she did like it one better, letting it go, a smirk formed on her lips as tt flew, hitting and lodging in the wall.

"Riles!" Daryl called out, causing her to lower the bow and look at him "gonna interrogate the prisoner" 

She gave him a nod, walking up the wall and yanking the arrow out and putting back in the quiver, following Daryl to the barn, he unlocked and opened the door, holding it open to let her walk in first. A smirk formed on her lips when when saw his cheeks turn a different shade, causing her to walk in the barn, Daryl following and closing the door.

"I told you!" Randall begged

"You told me shit!" Daryl shouted as he crouched down to his level

"I barely knew those guys" he replied "I met 'em on the road"

"How many in your group?" Riley asked

"Uh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no" he begged "come on man, please"

"How many!?" She shouted

"Uh, thirty" he said frantically "thirty"

"Thirty guys?" She asked

"Where?" Daryl added

"I don't know, I swear" Randall said frantically "we're never in any place more than a night"

"Scouting?" Riley asked "plannin' on stayin' local? You gotta give us somethin' to work with"

"I -- I don't know" he stuttered "they -- they left me behind"

A sigh emitted from Riley as Daryl stood straight, looking at one another, a smirk forming on her lips when his eyes glanced down to her knife, then looking back at her. Her gaze slowly left his, turning to Randall who was already looking at them with fear in his eyes, her hand moving to the clip of her sheath that held the knife.

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