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"What's the point in this?" A blonde woman asked, looking at Jenner as her blood was drawn "if we were infected, we'd all be running a fever"

"I just need to be thorough" Jenner replied

He put the vial of blood next to the others, the blonde begining to stand from the chair, only to become lightheaded, nearly falling on the floor, an African American woman catching her,

"What's wrong with her?" Jenner asked

"She hasn't eaten in days" the African American woman replied "none of us have"

". . I think I can help with that" he replied, a smile slowly forming on his lips

Laughter filled the air as everyone ate and drank wine, one of the very few good days they would have in the world they lived in now. Riley was more than happy to have a good meal, even if it was her first since she had woken up, and she was actually having a good time. Daryl sat next to her, no one on her other side, which Riley expected, smiling when she saw the kid she had saved try wine, but he didn't like it.

"Point out everyone here?" Riley asked, looking at Daryl

"Carol and Sophia" he replied, pointing to the woman with the buzz cut and a little girl "that's Carl" pointing to the boy "his ma, Lori" pointing to the brunette woman "you've met Rick. That's Glenn" pointing to the Korean "T-Dog and Jaqui" pointing to the two African Americans, "Andrea" pointing to the blonde "Dale" pointing to the older man "and Shane" pointing to the man who had the shotgun "stay away from 'im, I don't trust 'im"

"Any reason why?" She whispered

"Just a gut feelin' " he shrugged slightly

"So . ." Dale trailed off "are there going to be some introductions?" gesturing to Riley, causing her to look at him

". . Y'all have already been pointed out" Riley replied "but . . I'm Riley" giving them all a small wave

"Tell us about yourself" Dale urged "what were you before this?"

A chuckle emitted from Riley, taking a drink of her water and glancing at Daryl, who instantly knew what she was going to say, setting her water down, looking at Dale,

"I was a coma patient" Riley said bluntly

This caused Rick to choke slightly on his wine, a smirk forming on Riley's lips as she leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What?" Glenn coughed, looking at her with wide eyes

"You were in a coma?" Carl asked, causing Riley to nod slightly

"For two years" Riley confirmed "before . . . all this" gesturing around them

"That's gotta suck" Glenn commented "waking up to all this"

"That's like my dad" Carl added "he was shot, mom said he was dead, but he's not. He found us"

"How did it happen?" Rick asked, looking at Riley

". . . I think it was a car accident" she replied after a moment, her eyebrows furrowing slightly "I . . don' really remember much. I just know that before the coma, this world wasn't how it is now" shaking her head slightly "at first, it honestly felt like I was taken from the world I knew and placed into this one like some sick joke. But when I saw the walker go for yer boy, I knew. The walkers outside are the first ones I've seen since I woke up this morning"

"If you woke up this morning, then how are you walking?" Carol asked curiously, her arms around her daughter

"Guess I had motivation" she shrugged slightly "or you could say I'm just stubborn" a light chuckle emitting from her

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now