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"This thing's heavy" Carl said as he held out Riley's bow

"You just need to work on your upper arm strength" Riley teased with a smile, taking the bow "if my assumption is correct, it weighs about fifty pounds in itself, which makes the drawback much harder" drawing the string back

"You've got muscle" he noted, looking at her exposed arms

"Perks of hunting every now and again before my coma" she replied, easing the string back "and with the occasional douchebag that tried to mess with me"

A smile formed on his lips, shaking his head slightly as she put her bow around her shoulders, causing a small chuckle to emit from her as she flicked his hat up slightly, the two of them walking out of C block. The sun instantly warmed her skin, a small sigh emitting from her nose, her boots thumping against the floor as they made their way toward Rick and Daryl, running a hand through her hair, adjusting her belt.

"How's the baby?" Rick asked, looking at Riley

"Beth's putting her down" Riley answered "she's a little fighter, that one. How're things out here?"

"Walkers are pushing up against the fence" Daryl replied "nothing new"

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the sight of something out of place amongst the horde of walkers, causing her to take the bow from her shoulders and notch an arrow into place,

"Do you see what I see?" Riley asked

Rick and Daryl looked over to where she looked, Rick pulling his gun out from his holster, the four of them heading over to the gate to get a better look, it was an African American woman, what looked like a katana across her back, her hand on the chain link fence as she looked at them. Riley watched as her hand shot to her thigh, causing her to follow it with her eyes, seeing a gunshot wound, looking at the walkers on either sides of her. One of them was sniffing around with his nose in the air, causing Riley to draw the arrow back and release it, watching as it went through the links of the fence, the tip of the arrow piercing the head of the walker, causing it to fall dead to the floor.

"Carl, open the gate!" Rick ordered

The kid ran over to the gate as fast as he could, getting it open, allowing the three of them to run out, she was fighting off walkers with her katana, but it seemed to be too much for her, the basket in her hand falling to the floor just as she did. Pulling out her bowie knife from it's sheath, Riley stabbed a walker in the head, one that got too close for comfort, making their way toward the unconscious woman.

"Shit" Riley mumbled, acting fast and killing more walkers

She yanked the arrow out from the walkers head, Rick picking the woman up and throwing her over his shoulder, Daryl grabbing the basket of baby formula, leaving Riley to cover them as they went back inside the safety of the prison gates. Running as fast as they could inside C block,

"Hershel!" Rick called out as he entered first, Hershel hobbling in

"Is she bit?" Hershel asked

"Gunshot" Riley answered

"Carl, get a blanket" Rick ordered

"Beth, water and a towel" Hershel said

"Alright" she replied, going to do as said

"Here?" Carl asked, holding the blanket

"She's not coming into the cell block" Rick replied, laying her down on the blanket

"I wouldn't take the chance" Riley commented

Suddenly, the woman woke up, looking around at her new surroundings,

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now