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"Open the door!" Rick called out "its Hershel! Carl, come on!"

"Oh, my god" Carol said in shock

"Daddy!" Beth exclaimed

"Go, go, go, go! In there!" Rick ordered

"Turn it!" Glenn added

Riley turned back to the other entrance of the cell, Daryl doing the same, placing his foot on the bench and aiming his crossbow, she notched a clean arrow into place of her bow, aiming it at the floor and watching the door. Drawing the arrow back, she let out a slow breath to relax her body, just as the prisoners walked in,

"That's far enough" Riley said

"Cell block C" Thomas said, "cell four, that's mine, chica. Let me in"

"Today's your lucky day, fellas" Daryl said sarcastically "you've been pardoned by the state of Georgia, you're free to go" a small smirk forming on her lips

"What you got going on in here?" He asked

"Ain't none of your concern" he replied, causing Thomas to pull out his gun

"Don't be telling me what's my concern" he snapped

"Easy, boy" Riley replied with a small smirk "my aim is spot on. Wouldn't want my arm to suddenly give out, would you?"

"Chill man. Dudes leg is messed up" Big Tiny said, "besides, we're free now. Why are we still in here?"

"Man's got a point" Daryl replied

"Yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady" Oscar added

"Group of civilians breaking into a prison you've got no business being in" Thomas said "got me thinking there ain't no place for is to go"

"Why don't you go and find out?" Riley asked

"Maybe we'll just be going now" Axel said

"Hey, we ain't leaving!" Thomas replied

T arrived with his gun aimed at Thomas, Riley's smirk growing as his eyes widened slightly,

"You ain't coming in here neither" T said

"My house, my rules! I go wherever I damn well please!" Thomas exclaimed

"There ain't nothing for you here" Daryl said "why don't you go back to your own sandbox?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Everyone relax, there's no need for this" Rick said as he walked in

"How many of you in there?" Thomas asked

"Too many for you to handle" Riley replied honestly

"You guys rob a bank or something?" He asked "why don't you take him to the hospital?"

"If we robbed a bank, do you really think we'd break into a prison?" Riley asked with a raised eyebrow

"How long have you guys been locked in that cafeteria?" Rick asked in confusion

"Going on like ten months" Thomas replied with a small shrug

"A riot broke out" Big Tiny added "never seen anything like it"

"Attica on speed, man" Axel commented

"Ever heard about dudes going cannibal, dying, coming back to life?" Andrew said "crazy"

"One guard looked out for us" Thomas said "locked us up in the cafeteria, told us to sit tight, threw me this piece" gesturing to the six shooter "said he'd be right back"

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now