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The day turned to night, Daryl and Riley had gone on a hunt before it did, catching some squirrel and rabbit for the group and keeping a few for themselves. She had lit the fire as Daryl skinned and gutted two rabbits, handing him a few sticks so he could skewer them and she had even made a makeshift rack so they would be able to cook properly.

"Moving to the suburbs?" Lori asked, walking up to them

Riley glanced at her, rolling her eyes and crouching by the fire, setting the skewered rabbit on the rack and letting them cook.

"Listen, Beth's in some kind of catatonic shock" she said, getting to the point "we need Hershel"

"And?" Riley asked, standing straight

"Yeah, so what?" Daryl added

"I need you two to run into town real quick and bring him and the others back" Lori replied, earning a scoff from Riley "Daryl? Riley?"

"Your bitch went window shopping" Daryl said

"You want him? Fetch him yer damn self" Riley added

"We got better things to do" Daryl said

"What's the matter with you two?" She asked in shock "why are you being so selfish?"

"Selfish?" I asked

"Listen to me, Olive Oil" Daryl said, walking up to her "we was out there looking for that little girl every single day"

"Daryl took a bullet and an arrow in the process" Riley added "I hit my head twice and got a concussion and you have the nerve to call us selfish? Don't you tell us about getting our hands dirty"

"You want those two idiots?" Daryl asked "have a nice ride. We're done looking fer people"

"We can't find Lori" Carol said as she walked up to them

"Yeah" Daryl said, not really carrying

"Bitch must've gone out to look for 'em" Riley said, sitting down on a log

"What?" Carol asked

"Yeah, she asked us to go" Daryl replied "told her we was done being errand boys"

"And you didn't say anything" she said, earning a shrug

"We were a little busy getting food fer y'all" Riley said

"Don't do this" she said to them "please. I've already lost my little girl"

"That wasn't our problem neither" Daryl replied

"What are you even doing here?" Riley asked

"Keeping an eye on you two" she answered

"Ain't you a peach?" Daryl said sarcastically

"I'm not gonna let you pull away" she said "you've earned your place in this group" causing Daryl to walk up to her

"If you spent half your time minding your daughters business instead of sticking your nose into everyone else's, she'd still be alive!" He said

"Go ahead" she replied, only then did Riley notice his hand raised

"Go head and what?" He asked, noticing the same and lowering his hand "you know what? Just go. We don't want you here!" but she didn't move "you're a real piece of work, Lady"

"What, you gonna make this about our daddy's or some crap like that?" Riley asked, standing "you're afraid, Carol. You're afraid 'cause yer all alone, no husband or daughter"

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now