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They were finally back inside the prison, the Governor had released a whole bunch of walkers on the prison and Rick was outside of the gates for some reason, Daryl killed a walker that had cornered him, and they helped kill most of them before we made it inside. A small sigh emitted from her nose, sitting down on the bed, running a hand through her hair, ruffling it out as she slightly relaxed in the comfort of the cell,

"Riley?" Beth asked, causing her to look to the entrance of the cell "Rick wants to see you. He's at the tables with the others"

She stood up from the bed, grabbing her bow and walking out, giving her a small pat on the shoulder as she walked to the stairs, knowing one of the others was giving her a break from baby duty. Walking down the stairs, Riley made her way to the main room, a smile forming on her lips when she saw the baby in Carol's arms, chuckling when she reached for her causing the redneck to place her bow over her shoulders,

"Come 'ere you" Riley said softly, gently taking the baby from Carol

"She's been fussy" Carol informed

"She ain't ever fussy with me" she replied, then looking at the baby "ain't that right, sweetheart?"

She giggled in response, Riley reached up, moving some hair away from her forehead, smiling softly when she grabbed onto my finger, not letting go. She placed a soft kiss to her forehead, gently rocking her body,

"Riley" Rick said, causing her to look at him

Her smile slowly fell from her lips when she looked at the man standing behind him, who was looking back at her with mixed emotions swarming in his eyes,

". . . Riley" he said softly, a smile forming on his lips

He took a step toward her, but stopped when she took a step back, her breath hitching slightly as she looked at him, the others looking in between them.

". . . Carl, come get your sister" Riley said softly "she's ready for 'er nap"

Carl came up to her, allowing her to gently hand the baby over,

"Support 'er head" she instructed softly

"Got it" he replied, a small smile on his lips

His smile grew when she flicked up his hat, watching as he walked out and headed to his cell. She turned back around, looking at Rick,

"He said you know him" he explained

". . . Yeah" she replied ". . . yeah, I know 'im"

Daryl walked over to her, knowing how she felt, standing behind her for her own assurance,

". . . He's my brother" Riley said, looking at Nathan "unfortunately"

"Riley" Nathan said softly "please, I - "

"You don't get to talk to me!" She snapped lowly, "not a damn word" looking at Rick "so what the hell's he doing here?"

"He was here when we got back" Rick explained "he said you knew him"

"Did he also mention he was at Woodbury?" She asked, sticking her thumbs in her belt loops

This caused him to grow silent, telling her that he didn't know, causing a scoff to emit from her, shaking her head slightly,

"Wouldn' bother with 'im anyways" she added "soon as things get too tough for 'im, he'll just leave" looking at him "I'm actually surprised yer still alive"

"I had a reason to be" he replied "I needed to make sure you were alive . . ."

"Well, I am" she said, "you can leave now"

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now