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With a grunt, Daryl lifted the saddle on some wood, an aggravated sigh emitting from Riley,

"You can't" Carol said as she walked toward them

"We're fine" Daryl snapped

"Hershel said you need to heal" she protested "both of you"

"Yeah, we don't care" Riley replied, checking her weapons

"Well I do" Carol said, looking at her "Rick's going out later to follow the trail"

"Yeah, well we ain't gonna sit 'round and do nothing" Daryl said

"No" she agreed "you're gonna go out there and get yourselves hurt even worse . . ." crossing her arms "we don't know if we're gonna find her" causing the two of them to stop and look at her "we don't. . . I don't"

"Are you serious?" Riley asked, anger beginning to fill her

"What?" Daryl asked

"I can't lose you guys too" she said softly

This caused Daryl to grab the saddle, throwing it and groaning at the feeling of his stitches pulling,

"Are you alright?" Carol asked worriedly

"Just leave us be" Riley snapped, walking away with Daryl

"Stupid bitch" Daryl muttered, causing her to stop following

Daryl and Riley instantly felt bad about what they said to Carol, deciding to take her to the bush of Cherokee roses,

"You see it?" Riley asked, keeping her gaze low

"See what?" She asked

"We'll find her" Daryl said lowly, jerking his head to the roses

"I'm sorry about what happened this morning" Riley muttered

"You wanted to look for her" she said, looking at her "why? This whole time I've wanted to ask you"

"I think she's still out there" she answered

"Plus" Daryl added "truth is, what else we got to do?"

She looked at the, going silent before looking at the Cherokee rose, reaching out and softly touching the petal,

"We'll find her" Riley assured

Carol gave her a small smile, though Riley could see it in her eyes that she was giving up hope, and she didn't want to see that. She was determined, they were gonna find that little girl, one way or another.


"You haven't seen Rick?" Andrea asked

"Went off with Hershel" Riley answered, jerking her head slightly to the woods "saw them leave with the kid, Jimmy"

"We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago" she said, looking at her

"Yeah, you were" Daryl said, walking up to them with his crossbow over his shoulder "what the hell?"

"Rick told us he was going out" Lori added

"Dammit, ain't anybody taking this seriously?" He asked

"We got us a damn trail" Riley added

"Oh, here we go" Daryl said, noticing Shane walking up to all of them

"You with me, man?" Shane asked

Shane held out a shotgun to Daryl, causing him to look at Riley, then back at him before giving him a nod,

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now