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Her eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion as she read the note over again, her hands falling to her lap as her head tilted slightly, her gaze turning to the duffle bag, placing the note on her lap and reaching for the zipper, pulling it open and seeing what lay inside. Everything that was listed in the note was indeed in the bag; two of her favorite books, multiple cans of food - chilli, corn, green beans, bake beans, soups - which would last longer than a few days if she rationed properly. There were also a few LED flashlights and a lantern, along with multiple packs of batteries, she saw an unopened box of chocolate chip granola bars, a few empty thermoses, which she could fill up in the sink. She looked at the backpack that was next to the chair, leaning down and reaching out, snatching it from the floor, putting it in her lap as she unzipped it, finding a few outfits inside alone with new pairs of bras and underwear, even her favorite pair of boots.

She removed her boots, setting them on the floor by her feet, reaching in and pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans, black spaghetti strap tank top, a black wife beater, sports bra, underwear and a pair of socks, setting the backpack on the floor. Reaching behind her, Riley untied her hospital gown, letting it fall to the floor, putting on the sports bra, changing her underwear, slipping on her jeans, followed by her tank top, then her wife beater. She felt better to be in her clothes, it gave her a sense of comfort and security because she would wear that outfit every day, wearing shorts when it was hot, but being in her own clothes made her feel a little normal. Letting out a small sigh through her nose, she picked up her left leg, putting on one of the socks, doing the same with the other, slipping her boots on and lacing them up.

The sound of an object hitting the floor filled her ears, causing her eyes to snap over to her backpack, seeing that it had fallen, causing her to lean forward and grab it, zipping it up, setting it back down on the floor. She looked in her duffle bag once more, grabbing the brown belt and pushing herself up to stand. Riley put the belt through the loops of her jeans, clasping it in place, followed by the small strap that went around her lower thigh, moving her right leg to make sure it was comfortable. She folded the note, putting it in her back pocket and zipping up the duffle bag, pausing when her eyes landed on the familiar but old recurve bow, which was leaning against the chair with a quiver of arrows with deep purple feathers.

Hello, old friend

Grasping the quiver, Riley put it over her shoulders, making sure she was comfortable before grabbing the strap of the backpack, picking it up and putting it over her shoulders. She grabbed the duffle bag next, lifting it from the chair and putting the strap over her shoulders, and she expected herself to lose her balance, but she was surprised that she stood straight. Reaching down, Riley grabbed her now, slowly making her way to the door of the hospital room, grasping the handle and pulling the door open, hearing the light creak that emitted from it. Her head turned, looking down the hallway, her hand covering her mouth when she saw the dead body of a nurse laying a few feet from her, and the other end of the hallway wasn't no nice either. The nurse's body was practically littered with bullets and bite marks, but she didn't know what killed him first.

She shook her head slightly, letting out a breath through her mouth and slowly making her way down the hallway, her hand tightening on her bow, looking through the window of the other rooms, but they were either empty or occupied by a dead body. Riley was thankful that she found the door to the stairs, but it was completely dark, causing her to unzip the duffle bag and fish for a flashlight, her hand wrapping around the cold metal. She pulled it out, clicking it on, shining the light down the stairs, letting out another breath before she slowly began to make her way down as quietly as she could. Riley didn't want to draw any unwanted attention, feeling as if she didn't exactly know what was going on and she definitely wasn't up to fighting speed just yet. A small sigh emitted from her nose, shining the light down another flight of stairs, seeing the exit, causing a small smile to form on her lips.

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