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When Carl shouted that one word, everything in Riley seemed to freeze, walkers began to stumble in their direction, Rick is the first to run toward the courtyard, but is forced to go around the fences.

"No!" He shouted

Lori shoots a walker while Hershel tries to run away, Riley removed an arrow from her sheath and notched it into place, pulling it back as far as it could go, keeping both eyes open and letting out a slow breath past her lips. Taking a chance, she let the arrow fly, watching as it slid through the openings of the fence and pierced the walker in it's head as it was about to reach for Hershel, the walker falling to the floor as she started to run in the same direction Daryl and Rick were heading, as fast as they could.

"Get out!" Rick shouted

"Get out of there!" Riley added

"No! Lori!" Rick shouted

Maggie, Carol and T are shooting as many walkers as they can, but there's a chance that it might not be enough.

"Carl!" Riley shouted

"Come in here!" Rick shouted

Beth and Hershel were heading inside the prison, opening one if the doors, Hershel having trouble walking up one of the stairs, which caused Riley to grab another arrow from her sheath and draw it back when a walker arrived behind him,

"Daddy, behind you!" Beth shouted

He pushed the walker with one of his crutches, which gave her the target, allowing Riley to let the arrow fly, watching as it pierced the walkers head, which earned a nod from the old man. Riley returned it, shooting more walkers just as Glenn got done closing up the fence, and starts running as fast as he could toward the courtyard, the entrance being locked and he was the only one who had the key, which caused Rick, Daryl and Riley to be blocked.

"The lock!" Daryl shouted "hurry up, the lock!"

"Keys!" Rick ordered

Glenn threw the keys to Daryl, who threw them to Rick, which allowed him to open the gate as quickly as possible so they could kill the walkers that somehow found their way into the prison.

"That gate is open!" T shouted

Maggie opened one of the doors leading into the prison, obviously wanting to get the pregnant Lori and her son to safety. Rick finally managed to get the gate open, the four of them rushing inside to the prisoners' cell block, but they had just been passing by to use the gate leading to the courtyard

"Get out of my way!" Rick shouted at the prisoners

Riley took the keys from Rick, easily finding the key and opening the gate, the four of them running to the courtyard, taking another arrow from her sheath, Riley drew it back and let it fly into the head of a walker that was sneaking up behind T as he was closing a gate. Glenn finally opens the gate, allowing them to kill more walkers, Hershel and Beth being behind another gate, one of the crutches being used to jam it shut,

"What the hell happened?" Riley asked

"The gate was open!" Beth replied

"Where's Lori and Carl?" Rick asked "and everyone else?"

"Maggie led Lori and Carl into C block" Hershel replied

"And T was bit" Beth added, Riley's blood running cold

"Anyone else?" She asked

"I couldn't tell" she replied

"Stay put" Rick ordered

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