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Tying her hair in a braid, Riley made sure it was over her left shoulder, letting out a small sigh as she finished tying the band. Daryl stood in in front of her, a playful pout forming on her lips as she looked up at him from her sitting criss-cross position, causing him to playfully roll his eyes and hold out a hand to her. Grasping his hand, he easily pulled her to her feet, grabbing the knife he had given her after the farm, not finding another one along the road, surprisingly. She had made sure to change her shirt into a black wife beater, making sure to keep her fingerless gloves on as they got ready to go into the courtyard.

"Ready?" Hershel asked

Rick gave him a nod, causing Hershel to open the gate that led to the courtyard, T went first and stabbed a walker in the head, pushing it off his knife, allowing Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Daryl and Riley to follow behind. Hershel quickly closed the gate, the six of them getting in a circle, knives or sharp objects at the ready, stabbing walkers that got a little too close for comfort. The rest of the group were screaming and yelling, getting the other walkers' attention,

"Don't break formation!" Rick shouted over the noise as Maggie got back in the circle

As they walked through the courtyard, seeing another that was filled with walkers, causing them to hide behind a wall. Riley briefly closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the wall and letting out a small huff of air, opening her eyes readying her knife once more. A few walkers somehow entered the courtyard, these ones with helmets on, riot gear, causing Riley to quickly find the closest weak point, running up to it and stabbing it up its jaw. She yanked the knife out, the walker falling dead, a smirk forming on her lips as she did the same with the other one.

"See that?" She asked, seeing Rick and Daryl's impressed look

T and Glenn killed another walker the same way she had done, so did Daryl, soon enough, the courtyard was nearly filled with limp bodies,

"Looks secure" Glenn said

"Nothing will lead to that courtyard over there" Daryl said, "and that's a civilian" pointing to a female walker

"So the interior could be overrun by walkers from outside the prison" T pointed out

"Well, if there's walls, then what are we gonna do?" Glenn countered "we can't rebuild this whole place"

"We can't risk a blind spot" Rick said "we have to push in"

"I need a friggin vacation" Riley muttered, looking at the walkers

Suddenly seeing something shiny, Riley walked over to a guard, crouching down and reaching for his sheath, pulling out a very shiny and huge bowie knife, a smirk forming on her lips when she looked at it.

"Oh, hell yeah" Riley said, looking the knife

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"Oh, hell yeah" Riley said, looking the knife

The whole thing was the length of her outer thigh, setting it on the floor and undoing the straps to his sheath, standing as she put the knife in said sheath, looking up and seeing the others looking at her in amusement.

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