2. Apartment of Secrets

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"Come on" I insist as soon as class is dismissed. I didn't know what this pull was that I felt to this Josh person but I knew it could only end badly. I needed air.

"Why? I wanna see the hot TA up close" she exclaims as she peels off towards him making me sigh as I reluctantly follow after her. Though I was a few steps behind Riley it's my eyes that Josh meets with a smile.

"Maya" he says as I catch up and stand beside Riley a few feet in front of him. "I knew you went to NYU but I didn't think it'd be possible that you'd end up in my class."

"Life is full of coincidences" I shrug while Riley looks between the two of us both in confusion and...jealousy? Not that she needed to be jealous, she was dating Lucas and had been for almost five years. My brain scolds me for realizing that this isn't the only reason she has not to be jealous, I have a boyfriend. This guy means nothing to me.

"I'm sorry. How do you know one another?" she asks confusedly, looking between us.

"He was at Starbucks" I explain. "I didn't realize you were so concerned with my school of choice because you taught at one" I add, turning my gaze back to Josh.

"Assistant teach" he corrects with a smirk making my stomach flutter with butterflies. Gosh he was gorgeous.

"Right" I reply as a smile I can't fight pulls at my lips. "Why were you so concerned with what school I went to anyway?"

"I wasn't" he shrugs. "I promise I'm not some creep. I overheard you talking about a, what did you call me, your hot TA" he questions with a deep smirk making a blush creep onto my cheeks, "I was just making conversation. Most guys would do the same thing."

"Oh" I start with a smirk, "so you're just another player?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow at him in curiosity.

"No" he argues, "and quite honestly I wouldn't have said a word if I knew you were a student. I think it's best that we keep our interactions strictly school related."

"No arguments here" I reply though my heart drops into my stomach making my annoyance at this situation grow even further. Why did this upset me? I had just met him; why was he having this effect on me?

"We should get going" Riley insists as she tugs on my arm. "Bye Josh."

"Bye girls" he shouts back as she pulls me into the hallway.

"You can't sleep with our teacher's assistant" she hisses once we get far enough away that we're not in ear shot causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I exclaim. "I'm dating Derek. Why would I even think about sleeping with him?"

"Have you seen him?" she asks bluntly. "He's gorgeous, plus he's clearly into you and I don't think it's one sided" she states simply, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I met him like three hours ago. Right now, I feel nothing but annoyance over the fact that I'm out of bed before noon" I argue, brushing past her. "Stop worrying so much" I shout over my shoulder as I walk away.

~ 🍎 ~

"How was class?" Derek asks as I let myself into the apartment finding him on the bed where I left him this morning.

"Fine" I shrug. "Have you been in bed all day? Didn't you have work?"

While I opted for the school route Derek jumped right into the workforce. He was a bartender at the art gallery I had landed an internship at for the summer, because who doesn't love booze when they're looking at art?

"Um no" he stutters, "I have the day off remember?" he asks as I try to jog my memory but come up blank as I take a seat on the edge of the bed.

"No, but I'm sure you told me and I just forgot" I shrug as I lean forward to kiss him. "I missed you today babe." It wasn't a total lie, I mean I missed him in the way that I hoped being around him would make me forget about Josh. It didn't.

"I missed you too" he mumbles against my lips. "Why don't I show you just how much?" he asks as he flips me onto my back and for a little while I forget all about Josh.

~ 🍎 ~

I wake up disoriented as I look around the room. The apartment is empty; the shower, bed and couch vacant. I think I must me going insane; Derek wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye or at least leaving a note. I look around and look for a note, for anything but I find nothing.

I steal a glance at the clock and sigh when I see it reading back 2:06 a.m. What the hell? I grab my phone and search for a text, for something but I come up empty. There's nothing. I throw my phone down onto the bed in frustration and lie back down.

Suddenly I hear yelling down the hall making me shoot out of bed. My neighbors were generally quiet, never really making more than a peep so to say I was worried and a tad intrigued was an understatement.

I quickly make my way towards my dresser and throw on a sports bra and a fresh pair of underwear before pulling on a pair of athletic shorts and an old concert tee before walking across the floor to my door.

I throw the door open, placing the noise in Morgan's apartment and begin to move slowly down the hallway until I'm right at the door.

"You can't keep living like this" he shouts. "Just come and stay with me." The man's voice is insistent and familiar causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"No. I don't need your help" she argues angrily. "Get the fuck out" she adds and suddenly the guy is pushed out into the hallway. "I'm not a kid anymore Josh. I can take care of myself" she insists as she slams the door shut in his face.

He huffs, shaking his head in frustration before storming off down the hall and stomping down the steps. I stand there in disbelief for a few seconds, replaying everything that nust happened and I can't believe it.

It seemed this apartment building was holding more than it's fair share of secrets tonight.

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