5. Admit It

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A/N: Double update because I feel like the worst author in the world. If you read any of my other stories I promise there are updates coming. After a month of hell I'm taking some much needed R & R but I promise that I will be trying to write new chapters next week. Thank you all for your patience and I hope you all enjoy these two chapters!

I wake up the next morning to Derek sleeping beside me. I roll my eyes as I climb out of bed and get ready for class. I open the fridge to look for something to eat for breakfast and I'm surprised to find a twelve pack on the top shelf. I slam the door shut and Derek stirs in his sleep before opening his eyes.

"What the fuck Maya?" he exclaims in annoyance.

"What the fuck? Why is there beer in our fridge but nothing substantial? I thought you were going shopping."

"I did. I got beer" he says making me fume in anger as I grab my bag.

"I don't know what's going on with you but you need to get your shit together" I spit angrily as I head towards the door.

"At least I'm not fucking some random guy" he fires back making me laugh as I roll my eyes.

"I fell asleep Derek. Trust me if I wanted to leave you I wouldn't need another piece of ass as an excuse" I add as I open the door and slam it shut behind me.


I get to class early, collapsing into my seat without realizing I had company.

"Tough morning?" Josh asks as I let out a soft laugh, nodding.

"You could say that" I smile as I get out of my seat to walk over to him. "Whatcha doing?" I ask curiously as I settle beside him at the chalkboard.

"Writing the bullet points for today. Wanna help?" he asks as he hands me a piece of paper.

"Sure" I agree as I grab the paper and start to write on the board beside him.

"So you wanna talk about your sucky morning?" he asks conversationally making me let out a breath as I shrug.

"My boyfriend bought beer instead of food and he thinks I'm cheating on him" I admit in one breath as Josh drops his chalk and stares at me in shock.

"Are you?" he asks making me laugh as I shake my head.

"In my head maybe" I laugh as he grabs a new piece of chalk, "he's been distant."

"That's never easy" Josh agrees as he starts to write again. "I wish my sister's boyfriend would get some distance" he adds and I know I should tell him. Tell him I know his sister, that I saw him. The words are on the tip of my tongue when a couple of students waltz in. "You should go sit down" he says quietly as I nod in agreement and part ways with him. I sit in my seat and my eyes never leave his through the whole class.


"Why are you hiding in here?" Riley asks annoyed as she walks up to my table in the library.

"I'm not hiding. You know I'm here" I point out as she rolls her eyes. "If it makes you feel better you can tell Lucas too but I doubt he cares since he's in Texas and same goes for Zay. If you could get ahold of our scientists at Yale that would be okay too."

"I know you miss them but you don't need to be so snippy" she sighs as she sits beside me.

"I'm sorry" I apologize as she settles into her seat. "You've just been on my ass about Josh and Derek is acting weird" I trail off. "It's a lot."

"I know. I'm sorry. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you Peaches. If you get in any kind of relationship with Josh you could get expelled."

"I know" I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair. "It's ridiculous. I've known him for less than a week but I can't stop thinking about him."

"Maybe you just need to reconnect with Derek and it'll go away" Riley suggests but I shake my head.

"No it won't. I had sex with Derek on Tuesday after we had met Josh."


"He may have crossed my mind once or twice" I admit as her eyes widen.

"Maya" she exclaims as I bury my face in my hands.

"I know. I know. It's bad."

"Bad?" she exclaims. "Thinking about your TA during sex is past bad, it's whatever the next one is."

"What do you suggest I do Riles? I think I like him."

"You have to stop. Maybe skip a day or two" she suggests. "Do something Maya because this can't end well if you don't."

"I know" I sigh as I spot Josh walk into the library. I feel my heart stop as I stare at him, a blush rising on my cheeks. I definitely liked him and Riley was right, it wasn't going to end well. 

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